ThinkPHP6.0 Miscellaneous
1. Session
To use the
class, you must use the facade method (think\facade\Session
) CallingThe new version does not support operating the native
array and all functions starting withsession_
. It can only be called through the Session class (or assistant Function) to operate
1. Configuration file session.php
return [ // session name 'name' => 'PHPSESSID', // SESSION_ID的提交变量,解决flash上传跨域 'var_session_id' => '', // 驱动方式 支持file cache 'type' => 'file', // 存储连接标识 当type使用cache的时候有效 'store' => null, // 过期时间 'expire' => 1440, // 前缀 'prefix' => '', ];
2. Open Session
3. Settings
session supports multi-level array operations
Session::set('name','欧阳克'); // Session数组 Session::set('','欧阳克'); Session::set('admin.uid',1);
4. Read
// 获取全部Session Session::all(); // 获取Session中name的值 Session::get('name');
5. Delete
6. Get the value and delete
7. Login example
New login.php file
namespace app\controller; use think\facade\View; use think\facade\Db; use think\facade\Request; use think\facade\Session; class Login{ public function index(){ if(Request::method() == 'POST'){ $all = Request::param(); $admin = Db::table('shop_admin')->where('account',$all['account'])->find(); if(empty($admin)){ echo json_encode(['code'=>1,'msg'=>'未找到管理员']); exit; } if(md5($all['pwd']) != $admin['password']){ echo json_encode(['code'=>1,'msg'=>'密码错误']); exit; } Session::set('uid',$admin['uid']); Session::set('account',$admin['account']); echo json_encode(['code'=>0,'msg'=>'登陆成功']) ; }else{ $title = '商城'; View::assign([ 'title' => $title ]); return View::fetch(); } } }
New Login/index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>登录</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/layui/css/layui.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/layui/layui.js"></script> </head> <body style="background: #1E9FFF"> <div style="position: absolute; left:50%;top:50%;width: 500px;margin-left: -250px;margin-top: -200px;"> <div style="background: #ffffff;padding: 20px;border-radius: 4px;box-shadow: 5px 5px 20px #444444;"> <form class="layui-form"> <div class="layui-form-item" style="color:gray;"> <h2>{$title}--后台管理系统</h2> </div> <hr> <div class="layui-form-item"> <label class="layui-form-label">用户名</label> <div class="layui-input-block"> <input type="text" id="account" class="layui-input"> </div> </div> <div class="layui-form-item"> <label class="layui-form-label">密 码</label> <div class="layui-input-block"> <input type="password" id="password" class="layui-input"> </div> </div> <div class="layui-form-item"> <div class="layui-input-block"> <button type="button" class="layui-btn" onclick="dologin()">登录</button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> layui.use(['layer'],function(){ $ = layui.jquery; layer = layui.layer; // 用户名控件获取焦点 $('#account').focus(); // 回车登录 $('input').keydown(function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 13){ dologin(); } }); }); function dologin(){ var account = $.trim($('#account').val()); var pwd = $.trim($('#password').val()); if(account == ''){ layer.alert('请输入用户名',{icon:2}); return; } if(pwd == ''){ layer.alert('请输入密码',{icon:2}); return; } $.post('/index.php/login/index',{'account':account,'pwd':pwd},function(res){ if(res.code>0){ layer.alert(res.msg,{icon:2}); }else{ layer.msg(res.msg); setTimeout(function(){window.location.href = '/index.php/index/index'},1000); } },'json'); } </script> </body> </html>
index/index.html file
use think\facade\Session; public function index(){ $title = '商城'; $session = Session::all(); if(empty($session['uid'])){ echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("请登录!");window.location.href = "/index.php/login/index"; </script>'; exit; } $login = $session['account']; # 左侧菜单 $menu = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',0)->select(); $left = $menu->toArray(); foreach($left as &$left_v){ $left_v['lists'] = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',$left_v['id'])->select(); } # 右侧列表 $param = Request::param(); if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 1){ $where['status'] = 1; }else if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 2){ $where['status'] = 2; }else{ $where = true; } $p = isset($param['p']) ? $param['p'] : 1; $db = new Goods(); $order = [ 'add_time DESC', 'id DESC' ]; $right = $db->get_all($where,$order,$p,5); View::assign([ 'title' => $title, 'login' => $login, 'left' => $left, 'right' => $right['data'], 'count' => $right['count'], 'p' => $p, 'status' => isset($param['status']) ? $param['status'] : 0 ]); return View::fetch(); }
2. Cookie
To use the Cookie class, you must use the facade method (
) Call the# configuration file located in the cookie.php file in the configuration directory. No manual initialization is required. The system will automatically initialize Cookie before calling. Work
1. Using Cookie
// 设置Cookie 有效期为 3600秒 Cookie::set('name', '欧阳克', 3600); // 永久保存Cookie Cookie::forever('name', '欧阳克'); //删除cookie Cookie::delete('name'); // 读取某个cookie数据 Cookie::get('name');
2. Cookie configuration file
cookie.php file in the config directory
return [ // cookie 保存时间 'expire' => 0, // cookie 保存路径 'path' => '/', // cookie 有效域名 'domain' => '', // cookie 启用安全传输 'secure' => false, // httponly设置 'httponly' => false, // 是否使用 setcookie 'setcookie' => true, ];
3. Cache
To use the cache, you must use the facade method (
) to callBuilt-in supported cache types include
1. Use cache
// 缓存在3600秒之后过期 Cache::set('number', 10, 3600); // number自增(步进值为3) Cache::inc('number',3); // number自减(步进值为1) Cache::dec('number'); // 获取缓存 Cache::get('number'); // 删除缓存 Cache::delete('number'); // push 追加缓存 Cache::set('name', ['欧阳克','朱老师']); Cache::push('name', '西门大官人'); // 获取并删除缓存 Cache::pull('name'); // 清空缓存 Cache::clear();
2. Cache configuration file
config directory cache.php File
return [ // 默认缓存驱动 'default' => 'file', // 缓存连接方式配置 'stores' => [ 'file' => [ // 驱动方式 'type' => 'File', // 缓存保存目录 'path' => '', // 缓存前缀 'prefix' => '', // 缓存有效期 0表示永久缓存 'expire' => 0, // 缓存标签前缀 'tag_prefix' => 'tag:', // 序列化机制 例如 ['serialize', 'unserialize'] 'serialize' => [], ], // redis缓存 'redis' => [ // 驱动方式 'type' => 'redis', // 服务器地址 'host' => '', ], // 更多的缓存连接 ], ];
4. Public Controller
Default base controller class
use think\facade\View; use think\facade\Db; use think\facade\Session; public function initialize(){ $session = Session::all(); if(empty($session['uid'])){ echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert("请登录!");window.location.href = "/index.php/login/index"; </script>'; exit; } $login = $session['account']; # 左侧菜单 $menu = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',0)->select(); $left = $menu->toArray(); foreach($left as &$left_v){ $left_v['lists'] = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',$left_v['id'])->select(); } View::assign([ 'login' => $login, 'left' => $left, ]); } Index/Index.php namespace app\controller; use app\BaseController; use think\facade\View; use think\facade\Db; use think\facade\Request; use app\model\Goods; class Index extends BaseController{ public function index(){ $title = '商城'; # 右侧列表 $param = Request::param(); if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 1){ $where['status'] = 1; }else if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 2){ $where['status'] = 2; }else{ $where = true; } $p = isset($param['p']) ? $param['p'] : 1; $db = new Goods(); $order = [ 'add_time DESC', 'id DESC' ]; $right = $db->get_all($where,$order,$p,5); View::assign([ 'title' => $title, 'right' => $right['data'], 'count' => $right['count'], 'p' => $p, 'status' => isset($param['status']) ? $param['status'] : 0 ]); return View::fetch(); } }
5. Facade
The facade provides a static calling interface for (dynamic) classes in the container. Compared with traditional static method calling, it has For better testability and extensibility, you can define a
for any non-static class libraryfacade
(动态)类库 | Facade类 |
think\App | think\facade\App |
think\Cache | think\facade\Cache |
think\Config | think\facade\Config |
think\Cookie | think\facade\Cookie |
think\Db | think\facade\Db |
think\Env | think\facade\Env |
think\Event | think\facade\Event |
think\Filesystem | think\facade\Filesystem |
think\Lang | think\facade\Lang |
think\Log | think\facade\Log |
think\Middleware | think\facade\Middleware |
think\Request | think\facade\Request |
think\Response | think\facade\Response |
think\Route | think\facade\Route |
think\Session | think\facade\Session |
think\Validate | think\facade\Validate |
think\View | think\facade\View |
1. Facade class
The facade provides a static calling interface for (dynamic) classes in the container. Compared with traditional static method calling, it brings better Testability and scalability
The system has defined Facade for most core class libraries, so you can access these system classes through Facade
use think\facade\App; use think\facade\Db; use think\facade\View; use think\facade\Request; use think\facade\Session; class Index{ public function index(){ // 数据库操作 $select = Db::table('shop_goods')->select(); // 请求对象 $param = Request::param(); // Session $session = Session::all(); // 视图 return View::fetch(); } }
2. (Dynamic) Class Library
use think\App; use think\Db; use think\View; use think\Request; use think\Session; class Index{ public function index(View $view,Db $db){ $select = $db->table('shop_goods')->select(); $view->assign([ 'name' => '欧阳克', 'select' => $select ]); return $view->fetch(); } }
6. Assistant Function
Thinkphp system encapsulates the assistant function for some common operation methods
Assistant function | Description |
abort | Abort execution and send HTTP status code |
app | Quickly obtain the instance in the container supports dependency injection |
bind | Fast binding object instance |
cache | Cache management |
class_basename | Get the class name (not Contains namespace) |
class_uses_recursive | Get all traits used in a class |
config | Get and set configuration parameters |
cookie | Cookie management |
download | Get\think\ response\Download object instance |
dump | Browser-friendly variable output |
env | Get Environment variables |
event | Trigger event |
halt | Variable debug output and interrupt execution |
input | Getting input data supports default value and filtering |
invoke | Calling reflection execution callable supports dependency injection |
json | JSON data output |
jsonp | JSONP data output |
lang | Get language variable value |
parse_name | String naming style conversion |
Redirect output | |
Get the current Request object | |
Instantiate the Response object | |
Session management | |
Generate form token output | |
Record log information | |
Get all the traits referenced in a trait | |
Url generation | |
Instantiated validator | |
Rendering template output | |
display | Rendering content output |
xml | XML data output |
app_path | Current application directory |
base_path | Application base directory |
config_path | Application configuration directory |
public_path | web root directory |
root_path | Application root directory |
runtime_path | Application runtime directory |
7. Debugging1. Debug mode and Trace debugging# #// Get input data, same effect as Request::param()
$param = input();// Variable debugging output and interrupt execution$ shop = Db::table('shop_goods')->select();halt($shop);// Rendering template output, with View::fetch() effect Samereturn view();
- ##root
- .env
file in the directory
APP_DEBUG = true
Preparation: Turn off debugging mode after formal deployment
2. Variable debugging
- ThinPHP has built-in
- dump
Debugging method