
HTML <strike> Tags - HTML5 Not supported


<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Version 2.0 is <strike>not yet available!</strike> now available!</p>

Run instance»Click the "Run instance" button to view the online instance

Browser support

1000.png ##All major browsers support the <strike> tag.

Tag definition and usage instructions

HTML5 does not support the <strike> tag. Please use <del> tag instead.

In HTML 4.01, the <strike> element is deprecated.

<strike> Defines strikethrough text.

Standard attributes

In HTML 4.01, the <strike> tag supports the following standard attributes:

Attributesclassclassnamedir ltrididlanglanguage_codestylestyle_definitiontitletext

For a complete description, please visit the standard properties.

Event attributes

In HTML 4.01, the <s> and <strike> tags support the following event attributes:

Specifies the class name of the element
Specifies the text direction of the content in the element
Specifies the uniqueness of the element id
Specifies the language code of the content in the element
Specifies the inline style of the element
Specifies additional information for elements
##onmousemove Execute script when mouse pointer movesonmouseoutExecute the script when the mouse pointer moves out of an elementonmouseoverWhen Execute script when the mouse pointer hovers over an elementonmouseupWhen the mouse button is released Execute the script when the keyboard is pressed##onkeydownscriptonkeypressscriptonkeyup #scriptFor full description, please visit Event properties.
onclickscriptwhen Execute the script when the mouse is clicked
ondblclickscriptExecute the script when the mouse is double-clicked
onmousedownscriptExecute script when mouse button is pressed
Execute the script when the keyboard is pressed
The script is executed when the keyboard is pressed and then released
Execute script when keyboard is released