
HTML <dfn> tag


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> 



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Browser support


##All major browsers support the <dfn> tag .

Tag definition and usage instructions

<dfn> Tag is a phrase tag used to define a definition item.

Tips: We do not object to the use of this tag, but if you only use this tag to achieve a certain visual effect, we recommend that you use CSS, which may achieve richer Effect.

All phrase tags:

is rendered as highlighted text.
Define important text.
Define a definition item.
Define computer code text.
Define sample text.
Define keyboard text. It indicates that the text was typed from the keyboard. It is often used in computer-related documentation or manuals.
Define variables. You can use this tag with the <pre> and <code> tags.

Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5


Global attributes

<dfn> tag supports HTML global attributes.

Event attributes

<dfn> tag supports HTML event attributes.

Related articles

HTML tutorial: HTML text formatting.