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How to get the CPU, memory and disk usage of a server using the psutil module?

2023-05-07 22:28:071239browse

psutil is a cross-platform Python library that allows you to obtain information about system processes and system resource usage. It supports operating systems such as Windows, Linux, OS , disk usage and other information.

  • Get the process list, process status, process CPU usage, process memory usage, process IO information, etc.

  • Kill the process, send a signal to the process, suspend the process, resume the process and other operations.

  • Using psutil, you can easily monitor the running status of the system, diagnose problems and optimize performance. Here is a simple example demonstrating how to use psutil to get system CPU usage and memory usage:

    import psutil
    # 获取磁盘使用率(windows),linux服务器可以获取根目录/下的磁盘使用率 disk_usage_C = psutil.disk_usage('/')
    disk_usage_C = psutil.disk_usage('C:')
    print("C磁盘总体情况: ","总容量:",round(disk_usage_C.total/1073741824,2),"G"," 磁盘使用率:",disk_usage_C.percent, "%",sep='')
    # sep='' 去除print()内空格,round(数值,2):保留两位小数 ,1G等于1,073,741,824byte
    disk_usage_D = psutil.disk_usage('D:')
    print("D磁盘使用率:","总容量:",round(disk_usage_D.total/1073741824,2),"G"," 磁盘使用率:",disk_usage_D.percent, "%",sep='')
    disk_usage_E = psutil.disk_usage('E:')
    print("E磁盘使用率:","总容量:",round(disk_usage_E.total/1099511627776,1),"T"," 磁盘使用率:",disk_usage_E.percent, "%",sep='')
    # 获取内存使用率
    mem = psutil.virtual_memory()
    print("内存总量: ",round(mem.total/1073741824,2),"内存使用率:", mem.percent, "%")
    # 获取CPU使用率
    cpu_percent = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
    print("cpu核数: ",psutil.cpu_count(),"CPU使用率:", cpu_percent, "%")

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