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Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

2023-04-13 16:49:032232browse

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

1. What is auto-py-to-exe

auto-py-to-exe is a graphic used to package Python programs into executable files ization tools. This article mainly introduces how to use auto-py-to-exe to complete python program packaging. auto-py-to-exe is based on pyinstaller. Compared with pyinstaller, it has an additional GUI interface and is simpler and more convenient to use.

2. Install auto-py-to-exe

First We need to ensure that our python environment is greater than or equal to 2.7 and then enter in cmd: pip install auto-py-to-exe. After the input is completed, pip will install the auto-py-to-exe package. After the installation is complete, we can enter: auto-py-to-exe in cmd to start the auto-py-to-exe program.

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

When the above picture appears, auto-py-to-exe is successfully installed.

3. Introduction to some options of auto-py-to-exe

When using auto-py-to-exe to package python programs, there are many configuration options that we need to specify. How to correctly It's important to know what these options do. Below I'll cover some of the important options.

(1) Script Location

Script Location mainly specifies the python file we want to package

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

(2) Onefile

There are two options under Onefile, namely: One Directory and One File

  • If you select One Directory, the program will be displayed in the form of a folder after packaging is completed
  • If you select One File, then after the program packaging is completed, there will be an .exe file

(3) Console Window

Console Window mainly sets whether the console appears when the packaging program is running

  • Console Based: When the packaged program is run, a console interface will be displayed
  • Window Based (hide the console): The console interface will be hidden, mainly used for programs with GUI python program packaging

(4) Icon

Icon used to specify the packaged program

4. auto-py-to-exe actual combat

This section mainly uses a calculator program to introduce how to use auto-py-to-exe to package the program.

auto-py-to-exe packaging program is mainly divided into 3 parts, namely:

  • Open auto-py-to-exe
  • Configure packaging options
  • Check the packaging effect

1. Open auto-py-to-exe

Open cmd, enter: auto-py-to-exe Open auto-py- to-exe, we have to make configuration selections.

2. Configure packaging options

Calculator program, you can download it from GitHub, the address is: https://github.com/pythonprogrammingbook/simple_calculator

In packaging At this time, the configuration we need to perform mainly includes:

  • Script Location
  • Onefile
  • Console Window

Script Location Select the program For the main program, in the calculator project, we choose main.py

Onefile Select One File because one file looks simpler

Since the calculator project has a GUI, Console Window Select Window Based (hide the console),

Icon Select an ico file, this operation is not required, you don’t need to set it

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

If there is one in the program For our own module, we must add the module's directory to Additional Files. Otherwise, the Failed to execute script XXX error will appear

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

#In the calculator program, all our modules are in the calculation directory, so we need to add the calculation path to Additional Files.

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

After the configuration is completed, click the CONVERT .PY TO .EXE button

In this way, we have completed the packaging of a calculator project.

3. View the packaging effect

After the program completes packaging, we can click the OPEN OUTPUT FOLDER button, and then the path to the packaged file will be opened.

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

In the packaging file directory, we can see a main.exe file, which is our packaging file.

Click main.exe and you will see a calculator program.

Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!

At this point, the packaging work has been successfully completed.

5. Summary

This article mainly introduces how to use auto-py-to-exe to package python programs. But this only introduces the simplest Python program packaging. If you want to package complex programs, the above configuration will definitely not work.

If you want to know more about auto-py-to-exe, I suggest you study pyinstaller. auto-py-to-exe is based on pyinstaller. Studying pyinstaller will have a very obvious effect on our in-depth use of auto-py-to-exe.

If you want to know more about pyinstaller, you can read the official documentation.

The above is the detailed content of Python script packaging exe, auto-py-to-exe will help you!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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