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What is the future development of Python?

2019-05-11 17:34:122565browse

In the future, python will have higher development efficiency, faster running speed, and increasingly powerful functions. It is likely to become the most popular language, and it can be applied in various fields and can do excellent work.

What is the future development of Python?

Future development of python

Higher - development efficiency is higher, Python in the past two years It is a big hit in the industry. I have been thinking about the reason. In addition to cloud computing helping Python bring a wave of rhythm, are there any other reasons? There must be. I think another main reason is that the enthusiasm for Internet entrepreneurship has surged in recent times. Thousands of programmers have listened to various entrepreneurial chicken soups and quit their stable jobs in large companies to pursue entrepreneurship. Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street in 2014 and 2015 It was a lively event. The Prime Minister has been there several times. I also tried one or two projects with my friends at that time. At that time, everyone was eager to develop things quickly and get financing. Investors at that time were also very enthusiastic. , a large amount of money is invested in various startup companies, providing them with various cash subsidies to grab users. Time is money. Everyone wishes that they just had an idea today and the product will be launched tomorrow. If the product is launched a month later, the war may have nothing to do with you. Therefore, a language with extremely high development efficiency has entered the eyes of developers. Because developers are like gods, their development efficiency is higher than that of C and Java. Many startups choose Python as their development language. Although these startups Most of the companies failed, but they gave birth to Python's popularity in China.

Faster - faster running speed. Obviously Python is not a fast language. Slowness is also the main reason why many programmers criticize Python. However, in recent years, the PyPy interpreter has The running speed of Python is constantly improving. In some scenarios, the speed of programs run through PyPy is directly close to that of C language. I believe that in a few years, the running speed of Python will no longer be a problem. In addition, due to the recent rapid development of CPU processing speed, the speed of the programming language itself is no longer a major consideration in most business scenarios (except for businesses that are extremely sensitive to response speed, such as search).

Stronger - More powerful, this is another main reason why Python is so popular. Python’s standard library and third-party libraries are so powerful that you can’t imagine, no matter what you want If you are engaged in technical programming in any direction, you can almost find corresponding library support. Here are just a few chestnuts:

1. WEB development - the most popular Python web framework Django, Tornado that supports asynchronous high concurrency Framework, short and concise flask, bottle, Django's official slogan defines Django as the framework for perfectionist with deadlines (roughly a high-efficiency web framework developed for perfectionists)

2. Network programming - support The high-concurrency Twisted network framework, asyncio introduced in py3 makes asynchronous programming very simple

3. Crawlers - In the field of crawlers, Python is almost dominant, Scrapy\Request\BeautifuSoap\urllib, etc., what do you want to crawl? Just climb whatever

4. Cloud computing - the most popular and well-known cloud computing framework at present is OpenStack. A large part of Python's current popularity is because of cloud computing

5. Artificial intelligence- —Who will become the first development language in the era of AI and big data? This is an issue that needs no debate. If three years ago, Matlab, Scala, R, Java and Python still had their own opportunities and the situation was still unclear, then three years later, the trend has been very clear, especially after Facebook open sourced PyTorch two days ago, Python has become an AI The position of the top language of the times is basically established, and the suspense of the future is just who can secure the second spot.

6. Automated operation and maintenance - ask every operation and maintenance personnel in China, what language must the operation and maintenance personnel know? I believe 10 people will give you the same answer. Its name is Python

7. Financial analysis - I personally worked in the financial industry before. In 10 years, our company wrote many analysis programs and high-frequency The trading software uses Python. So far, Python is the most used language in the fields of financial analysis and quantitative trading.

8. Scientific calculations - Did you know that NASA has been using Python extensively since 1997? When performing various complex scientific operations, with the development of many program libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Enthought libraries, etc., Python is becoming more and more suitable for scientific calculations and drawing high-quality 2D and 3D images. Compared with Matlab, the most popular commercial software in the field of scientific computing, Python is a general programming language and has a wider range of applications than the scripting language used by Matlab

9. Game development - in online games Python also has many applications in development. Compared with Lua or C, Python has higher-level abstraction capabilities than Lua and can describe game business logic with less code. Compared with Lua, Python is more suitable as a Host language, that is, the entry point of the program is in Python That end would be better, and then use C/C to write some extensions when necessary. Python is very suitable for writing projects with more than 10,000 lines of code, and can well control the scale of online game projects within 100,000 lines of code.

After listing so many, you will find that Python is very good in almost every field mentioned above. It is a true full-stack language. Even the most widely used Java language in the world is used in many fields. Compared with Python, it is also much inferior! I still can't see any language that can achieve these results in so many fields at the same time.

Finally, I am making some predictions related to Python:

1. Within 5 years, Python will replace PHP and become the most popular WEB development language

2. Within 10 years, the usage of Python will approach or even exceed Java

3. Within 10 years, mainstream artificial intelligence technology will be developed based on Python

4. The application rate of Python has reached the third level One of the fields is: cloud computing, crawlers, automated operation and maintenance, financial analysis

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