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Python POST login example code

2017-07-03 09:35:311669browse

No explanation, just give the code:

 1 #!/usr/bin/env python   
 2 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- 3  
 4 """  
 5 @version: v1.0 
 6 @author: elijahxb 7 @OS: linux 8 @contact: elijahxb@163.com 
 9 @site:  
10 @software: PyCharm Community Edition 
11 @file: zhangye.py 
12 @time: 17-7-2 下午12:16 
13 """14 15 '''16 本次登录测试:17 USERNAME:test001_00118 PASSWORD:test00119 URL:   
20 TYPE:  POST21 HOST:  www.zhangye.ccoo.cn22 POSTURL:
23 POSTDATA:username=test001_001&password=test00124 '''
25 import httplib26 import urllib27 28 HOST = ''
29 SOURCEURL = ""30 POSTURL = ''
31 PORT = 8032 STRICT = False  
# 默认False,表示无法解析服务器返回的状态行时,是否抛出BadStatusLine异常
33 TIMEOUT = 534 HEADERS = {
35     'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
36     "Accept": "*/*"37 }38 TestDATA = {39     'username': 'test001_001',
40     'password': 'test001'41 }42 TestDATA = urllib.urlencode(TestDATA)
try:45     # Conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST, PORT, STRICT, TIMEOUT, SOURCEURL)46    
HttpClient = httplib.HTTPConnection(HOST)47     
HttpClient.request('POST', POSTURL, TestDATA, HEADERS)48 49     
response = HttpClient.getresponse()50     print response.status51     
print response.reason52     print response.read()53     
print response.getheaders()54 except Exception, e:55     
print e56 finally:57     if HttpClient:58         

The above is the detailed content of Python POST login example code. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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