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10 recommended articles about tree traversal

2017-06-12 15:45:561152browse

This article is to introduce to you examples of Python's implementation of parse trees and three types of binary tree traversal, pre-order traversal, in-order traversal, and post-order traversal. It is very detailed. Friends who need it can refer to it. Parse tree After completing the implementation of the tree, let's now look at an example to show you how to use the tree to solve some practical problems. In this chapter, we study parse trees. Parse trees are often used to represent real-world structures, such as sentences or mathematical expressions. Figure 1: Parse tree of a simple sentence Figure 1 shows the hierarchical structure of a simple sentence. Representing a sentence as a tree allows us to handle each independent structure in the sentence by using subtrees. Figure 2: The parse tree of ((7+3)*(5−2)) ​​is shown in Figure 2. We can express a mathematical expression similar to ((7+3)*(5−2)) A parse tree. We've looked at full bracket expressions, so how do we understand this expression? We know that multiplication has higher priority than addition or subtraction. Because of the relationship between parentheses, we need to calculate the addition or subtraction within the parentheses before doing the multiplication operation. The hierarchical structure of the tree helps us understand the order of operations of the entire expression.

1. Detailed graphic explanation of Python parsing tree and tree traversal

10 recommended articles about tree traversal

##Introduction: This article is to introduce to you examples of Python's implementation of parse trees and three types of traversal of binary trees, pre-order traversal, in-order traversal, and post-order traversal. It is very detailed. Friends who need it can refer to it. Down.

2. too young too simple uses SimpleXML to process XML files under php

##Introduction: too young too simple: Too young too simple Use SimpleXML to process XML files under PHP: 1 SimpleXML Introduction To process XML files, there are two traditional processing ideas: SAX and DOM. Based on the event triggering mechanism, SAX scans the XML file once and completes the processing; DOM constructs the entire XML file into a DOM tree and completes the processing by traversing the DOM tree. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. SAX's processing ideas are relatively abstract, and DOM's processing process is relatively cumbersome, making them neither very suitable for beginners. PHP5 has launched a


PHP database tree traversal method_PHP tutorial

Introduction: PHP database tree traversal method. The code is as follows: Copy the code as follows: ?php session_start(); define ('P_S', PATH_SEPARATOR); define ('ROOT', "./"); set_include_path(ROOT .P_S .'Zend' .P_S .ROOT.get_include_pat


Python data structure binary tree traversal example

Introduction: This article mainly introduces python data For an example of recursive traversal of a binary tree of a structure, friends who need it can refer to


PHP database tree traversal method

Introduction: PHP database tree traversal method. The code is as follows: Copy the code as follows: ?php session_start(); define ('P_S', PATH_SEPARATOR); define ('ROOT', "./"); set_include_path(ROOT . P_S .'Zend' .P_S .ROOT.get_include_pat


Python3 directory tree traversal implementation method

Introduction : This article mainly introduces the implementation method of directory tree traversal in Python3, involving the traversal operation skills of Python directory tree. Friends in need can refer to


[Original] PostgreSQL Traversal of a simple tree

Introduction: Yesterday I used MySQL to implement ORACLE's recursive statement CONNECTBY, which seems a little more complicated. Today let's take a look at how POSTGRESQL implements ORACLE. CONNECTBY. Still using the same table and data as yesterday POSTGRESQL

##8. Tree(2)

Introduction: 1: Binary tree traversal. Since the recursive algorithm is very simple, I will not give an example here. We mainly look at the non-recursive algorithm (actually it is implemented with a stack, because recursion itself is a kind of stack) 1. Preorder traversal: Idea: (1) Traverse the left subtree of the current node in sequence from the root node, access by edge traversal, and push it onto the stack (2). Then visit the right subtree of the top node of the current stack, and then return

9. Oracle description hierarchical query (hierarchical query)

Introduction: Welcome to the Oracle Community Forum, with 200 Interactive communication with Wan technicians>> To enter the details of Oracle description hierarchical query (hierarchical query), first look at a picture: Correct answer: BD A is wrong, the tree can be traversed from top to bottom, or from bottom to top B Correct C Correct, you can delete a certain traversed branch. Example: Delete scott's branch S

10. National Computer Rank Examination Level 2 ACCESS Sprint Question (4)

Introduction: Knowledge point: Tree traversal analysis: The post-order traversal sequence of the binary tree BT is dabec, so the root node of BT is c (the last one of the post-order traversal sequence The node is the root node of the number); and the in-order traversal sequence of BT is debac, that is, the last node in the traversal sequence is the heel node, which means that the right subtree of BT is empty. From the post-order traversal sequence and in-order traversal sequence of BT, we can know that the left child of BT

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The above is the detailed content of 10 recommended articles about tree traversal. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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