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The difference between python dict.get() and dict['key']

2017-03-01 13:58:431732browse

Look at the code first:

In [1]: a = {'name': 'wang'} 
In [2]: a.get('age') 
In [3]: a['age'] 
KeyError                 Traceback (most recent call last) 
 in () 
----> 1 a['age'] 
KeyError: 'age'
In [4]: a.get('age', 10) 
Out[4]: 10

So, dict['key'] can only get the existing value, if it does not exist, KeyError will be triggered

And dict.get(key, default=None) returns a default value if it does not exist, if it is set, it is set, otherwise it is None

In [6]: type(a.get('age')) 
Out[6]: NoneType

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