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Python's abstract factory pattern

2017-02-25 10:07:291467browse

Introduction to object-oriented programming in python, we need to continue to learn and progress

"""Implementation of abstract factory pattern"""

import random

class PetShop:


  def __init__(self, animal_factory=None):

    self.pet_factory = animal_factory

  def show_pet(self):


    pet = self.pet_factory.get_pet()
    print("我们有一个可爱的 {}".format(pet))
    print("它说 {}".format(pet.speak()))
    print("我们还有 {}".format(self.pet_factory.get_food()))

# 工厂生产的事物

class Dog:

  def speak(self):
    return "汪"

  def __str__(self):
    return "Dog"

class Cat:

  def speak(self):
    return "喵"

  def __str__(self):
    return "Cat"

# Factory classes

class DogFactory:

  def get_pet(self):
    return Dog()

  def get_food(self):
    return "狗食"

class CatFactory:

  def get_pet(self):
    return Cat()

  def get_food(self):
    return "猫粮"

# 随机创建合适的工厂
def get_factory():
  return random.choice([DogFactory, CatFactory])()

# 多个工厂显示宠物
if __name__ == "__main__":
  for i in range(4):
    shop = PetShop(get_factory())
    print("=" * 20)

The results are shown in the figure:

Pythons abstract factory pattern

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