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How to write a Photoshop filter--Scripting Plug-ins

高洛峰 Original
2017-02-22 09:41:25 2195browse

In the first article, we established a basic filter framework without UI, and introduced PIPL resources to be loaded to the menu by PS. In the second article, we introduced filter parameters and corresponding dialog box resources, and explained the display timing of the dialog box in the filter calling process. In this article, we will make the filter support action recording and playback, that is, by adding a "term resource", our filter parameters will be known to the PS scripting system (scripting-aware), and can be recorded and played back.

Starting from Photoshop 4.0, a new panel and corresponding commands and callback functions have been introduced: Action Panel (floating window), and Descriptor callback function set. The action panel is the interface used by the Photoshop scripting system to interact with users, and is also its core. Photoshop 5.0 extends the action structure to enable automation plug-ins to support descriptive Photoshop commands. (Chapter 11 of "Photoshop API Guide")

About PS's Scripting System, its source is PS's inheritance and support of the event and scripting mechanism of Apple system. PS is developed for both operating system platforms. Here we introduce how to make our filters accepted by the PS script system.

First we need to add terminology resource to the r file. Therefore, first add a HasTerminology structure to the pipl resource, which is defined as follows:

//这个属性指明滤镜是否提供了 'aete'资源。 typedef struct HasTerminology { int32 classID; // classID from 'aete' int32 eventID; // eventID from 'aete' or NULL if none int16 aeteResNum; // number of 'aete' resource CString uniqueID; // unique ID string (UUID or your own ™/©). If present, ignores AppleScript and keeps local to Photoshop. } HasTerminology;

This structure will be added to the pipl resource of the r file. Below we add the aete resource after the pipl resource.

Previously we added some definitions required for aete resources in a common header file:

//定义 Scripting Keys #define KEY_FILLCOLOR 'fiCo' #define KEY_OPACITY 'opcA' #define plugInSuiteID 'filR' #define plugInClassID 'filR' #define plugInEventID 'filR' #define plugInUniqueID "18EC4E8F-DB34-4aff-AF99-77C8013BD74F" #define plugInAETEComment "FillRed example filter By hoodlum1980" #define vendorName "hoodlum1980"

//Definition Scripting Keys
#defineKEY_FILLCOLOR 'fiCo'
defineKEY_OPACITY 'opcA'

defineplugInSuiteID ‘filR’
defineplugInClassID ‘filR’
#defineplugInEventID ‘filR’
#defineplugInUniqueID "18EC4E8F-DB34-4aff-AF99-77C8013BD74F"
defineplugInAETEComment "FillRed example filter By hoodlum1980"
#definevendorName "hoodlum1980"

## We put our The filters and the parameters of the filter are defined as a key. Regarding the definition of the keys, the following principles need to be met:

(A) It must consist of 4 characters. If there are less than 4 characters, you can add spaces at the end.

(b) User-defined key names should start with a lowercase letter and contain at least one uppercase letter. (Because all uppercase and all lowercase key names belong to Apple's definition).

The unique identifier of the filter can be the GUID generated by the VC tool.

然后我们对r文件增加aete 资源,aete 资源模板如下:

resource 'aete' (0) { // aete version and language specifiers { /* suite descriptor */ { /* filter/selection/color picker descriptor */ { /* any parameters */ / * additional parameters */ } }, { /* import/export/format descriptors */ { /* properties. First property defines inheritance. */ /* any properties */ }, { /* elements. Not supported for plug-ins. */ }, /* class descriptions for other classes used as parameters or properties */ }, { /* comparison ops. Not currently supported. */ }, { /* any enumerations */ { /* additional values for enumeration */ }, /* any additional enumerations */ /* variant types are a special enumeration: */ { /* additional types for variant */ }, /* any additional variants */ /* class and reference types are a special enumeration: */ { }, /* any additional class or reference types */ } } }

请注意的是这是一个针对PS插件的aete资源模板,也就是说它不仅仅针对滤镜,也包括其他种类的PS插件。关于其具体含义这里我们不做详细讨论,可以参考相关PS SDK文档。


下面我们给出添加了aete资源后的 FillRed.r 文件,内容如下:

// ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED // Copyright 1993 - 2002 Adobe Systems Incorporated // All Rights Reserved // // NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this // file in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement // accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source // other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution // of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define plugInName "FillRed Filter" #define plugInCopyrightYear "2009" #define plugInDescription \ "FillRed Filter.\n\t - http:\\www.cnblogs.com\hoodlum1980" #include "E:\Codes\Adobe Photoshop CS2 SDK\samplecode\common\includes\PIDefines.h" #ifdef __PIMac__ #include "Types.r" #include "SysTypes.r" #include "PIGeneral.r" #include "PIUtilities.r" #include "DialogUtilities.r" #include "CommonDefine.h" /* 包含了术语定义 */ #elif defined(__PIWin__) #define Rez #include "PIGeneral.h" #include "E:\Codes\Adobe Photoshop CS2 SDK\samplecode\common\resources\PIUtilities.r" #include "E:\Codes\Adobe Photoshop CS2 SDK\samplecode\common\resources\WinDialogUtils.r" #include "CommonDefine.h" /* 包含了术语定义 */ #endif #include "PITerminology.h" #include "PIActions.h" /* 包含对 NO_REPLY 的定义 */ resource 'PiPL' ( 16000, "FillRed", purgeable ) { { Kind { Filter }, Name { plugInName }, Category { "Demo By hoodlum1980" }, Version { (latestFilterVersion << 16) | latestFilterSubVersion }, #ifdef __PIWin__ CodeWin32X86 { "PluginMain" }, #else CodeMachOPowerPC { 0, 0, "PluginMain" }, #endif SupportedModes { noBitmap, doesSupportGrayScale, noIndexedColor, doesSupportRGBColor, doesSupportCMYKColor, doesSupportHSLColor, doesSupportHSBColor, doesSupportMultichannel, doesSupportDuotone, doesSupportLABColor }, HasTerminology { plugInClassID, plugInEventID, 16000, /* int16 aeteResNum; number of 'aete' resource */ plugInUniqueID }, EnableInfo { "in (PSHOP_ImageMode, RGBMode," "CMYKMode, HSLMode, HSBMode, " "DuotoneMode, LabMode)" }, PlugInMaxSize { 2000000, 2000000 }, FilterCaseInfo { { /* array: 7 elements */ /* Flat data, no selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Flat data with selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Floating selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Editable transparency, no selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Editable transparency, with selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Preserved transparency, no selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination, /* Preserved transparency, with selection */ inStraightData, outStraightData, doNotWriteOutsideSelection, doesNotFilterLayerMasks, doesNotWorkWithBlankData, copySourceToDestination } } } }; resource 'aete' (16000, "FillRed dictionary", purgeable) { 1, 0, english, roman, /* aete version and language specifiers */ { vendorName, /* vendor suite name */ "FillRed Demo By hoodlum1980", /* optional description */ plugInSuiteID, /* suite ID */ 1, /* suite code, must be 1 */ 1, /* suite level, must be 1 */ { /* structure for filters */ plugInName, /* unique filter name */ plugInAETEComment, /* optional description */ plugInClassID, /* class ID, must be unique or Suite ID */ plugInEventID, /* event ID, must be unique to class ID */ NO_REPLY, /* never a reply */ IMAGE_DIRECT_PARAMETER, /* direct parameter, used by Photoshop */ { /* parameters here, if any */ "FillColor", /* parameter name */ KEY_FILLCOLOR, /* parameter key ID */ typeInteger, /* parameter type ID */ "Fill color in RGB", /* optional description */ flagsSingleParameter, /* parameter flags */ "Opacity", /* optional parameter */ KEY_OPACITY, /* key ID */ typeInteger, /* type */ "opacity in RGB", /* optional desc */ flagsSingleParameter /* parameter flags */ } }, { /* non-filter plug-in class here */ }, { /* comparison ops (not supported) */ }, { /* any enumerations */ } } };

在上面的文件中,我们可以看到我们的滤镜含有的两个主要参数:填充颜色 和 不透明度。位于 IMAGE_DIRECT_PARAMETER 结构中,typeInteger 指明它们是整数类型。flagsSingleParameter指明它们是基本类型(具有单一值)。此外,还可以把参数定义为枚举类型,同时把枚举的值域定义放在最后一节中,这里我们对此不做介绍了。

怎样编写一个Photoshop滤镜-- Scripting Plug-ins

滤镜被重新编译后,我们在PS中对它录制一个动作,命名为“测试 FillRed”,录制完成后,可以看到在动作面板上的左侧,出现了对话框选项的CheckBox,我们可以设置播放时是否弹出对话框。我们把FillRed滤镜命令的下拉列表展开可以看到滤镜参数:

FillColor: 10


请注意参数的名字就是来自于上面的aete资源中的定义的滤镜参数名字属性,这就是我们需要给它定义一个可读的参数名的原因。需要注意的是,由于我们把对话框上三个参数合成为了一个参数,这就使得上面的参数显示是三个参数的合成值(10进制)。因此这里为了看清楚,我就只设置了 R 和 O1,其他参数都为0,这样我们在动作面板看到的参数值就和滤镜的对话框上的参数值是一致的。否则我们看到的将是三个参数合成后的值。

更多怎样编写一个Photoshop滤镜-- Scripting Plug-ins相关文章请关注PHP中文网!

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