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What does laravel routing do?

2022-04-12 15:24:202169browse

In laravel, the role of routing is to forward the user's different url requests to the corresponding program for processing; routing is the way for the outside world to access laravel applications, and routing defines how Laravel applications provide services to the outside world. Specifically, laravel's routing is defined in the routes folder.

What does laravel routing do?

#The operating environment of this article: Windows 10 system, Laravel version 6, Dell G3 computer.

What is the role of laravel routing?

The role of routing is to forward the user's different URL requests to the corresponding program for processing. Laravel's routing is defined in the routes folder, and four are provided by default. Routing files, where the web.php file defines basic page requests.

In laravel, routing is the way for the outside world to access Laravel applications, or routing defines the specific way in which Laravel applications provide services to the outside world. Routing will submit the user's request to the specified controller and method for processing according to the pre-planned plan.

Basic routing

The most basic routing requests are get and post requests. Laravel defines different request methods through Route objects. For example, define a get request with url 'req' and return the string 'get response':

Route::get('req',function (){undefined
return 'get response';

When I request http://localhost/Laravel/laravel52/public/req in the get method, return As follows:

What does laravel routing do?

Similarly, when defining a post request, use Route::post(url,function(){});

Multiple request routing

If you want to use the same processing for multiple request methods, you can use match or any:

Use match to match the corresponding request method, for example, when using get or When post requests req2, it will return match response:

Route::match(['get','post'],'req2',function (){undefined
return 'match response';

any will match any request method. For example, if req3 is requested in any method, any response will be returned:

Route::any('req3',function (){undefined
return 'any response';

Request parameters

Required parameters: When sending a request with parameters, you can receive it in the route. Use curly brackets to enclose the parameters and separate them with /, for example:

Route::get('req4/{name}/{age}', function ($name, $age) {undefined
return "I'm {$name},{$age} years old.";

With get Pass the parameters when requesting, and the result is as follows:

What does laravel routing do?

Optional parameters: The above parameters are required. If a parameter is missing, an error will be reported. If you want a parameter to be Optional, you can add a ? to it and set a default value. The default parameter must be the last parameter, otherwise it will not be recognized if it is placed in the middle:

Route::get('req4/{name}/{age?}', function ($name, $age=0) {undefined
return "I'm {$name},{$age} years old.";

Regular verification: You can use where to check the parameters in the request Verify

Route::get('req4/{name}/{age?}', function ($name, $age=0) {undefined
return "I'm {$name},{$age} years old.";

Routing group

Sometimes our routes may have multiple levels, for example, defining a first-level route home, with a second-level route article underneath it. comment, etc. This requires placing article and comment in the home group. Add the prefix home to the route article through the array key prefix:

Route::group(['prefix' => 'home'], function () {undefined
Route::get('article', function () {undefined
return 'home/article';

so that the route can be accessed through home/article.

Route naming

Sometimes you need to give a route a name. You need to use the as array key to specify the route name when defining the route. For example, if you name the route home/comment comment, you can use the route name comment when generating URLs and redirects:

return route('comment'); //通过route函数生成comment对应的url

The output is http://localhost/Laravel/laravel52/public/home/comment

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