PHP Filter

Introduction to PHP Filter

PHP filters are used to validate and filter data from non-secure sources (such as user input).


The Filter function is an integral part of the PHP core. No installation is required to use these functions.

PHP Filter Function

PHP: Indicates the earliest PHP version that supports this function.

filter_has_var()Check whether a variable of the specified input type exists. 5
filter_id()Returns the ID number of the specified filter. 5
filter_input()Get input from outside the script and filter it. 5
filter_input_array()Get multiple inputs from outside the script and filter them. 5
filter_list()Returns an array containing all supported filters. 5
filter_var_array()Get multiple variables and filter them. 5
filter_var()Get a variable and filter it. 5

PHP Filters

##FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOATRemove all Characters, except numbers, +- and .,eEFILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTESApply addslashes(). FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW Does not do any filtering, remove or encode special characters. FILTER_VALIDATE_INTValidate the value as an integer. FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEANValidate the value as a Boolean option. Returns TRUE if "1", "true", "on", and "yes". Returns FALSE if "0", "false", "off", "no", and "". Otherwise NULL is returned. FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOATValidate the value as a floating point number. FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXPValidate values ​​against regexp, a Perl-compatible regular expression. FILTER_VALIDATE_URLValidate the value as a URL. FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAILValidate the value as an e-mail address. FILTER_VALIDATE_IPValidate the value as an IP address, only IPv4 or IPv6 or not from a private or reserved range.
ID NameDescription
FILTER_CALLBACKCall user-defined functions to filter data.
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRINGRemove tags, remove or encode special characters.
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED"string" Alias ​​for the filter.
FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODEDURL-encode string, remove or encode special characters.
FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARSHTML escape character '"<>& and characters with ASCII value less than 32.
FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAILRemove all characters except letters, numbers and !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~@.[]
FILTER_SANITIZE_URLRemove all characters except letters, numbers and $-_.+!*'(),{}|\^~[]`<>#%";/?:@& =
FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INTRemove all characters except numbers and +-