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PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

2020-07-20 17:39:012155browse

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

The serialization and deserialization of objects are often used in web development. The more mainstream ones are the serialization and deserialization of json format and xml format. Today I want to write a jsop Small demo, it turns out that I don’t know how to use php serialization. I checked the information and made a note. Simple array json format serialization/deserialization

php provides json_encode and json_decodeFunction performs json format serialization/deserialization operations on objects

$json=json_encode($data);//将数组序列化为json字符串 echo $json.'
'; $array_json= json_decode($json);//将json字符串反序列化为数组 while(list($key,$value)=each($array_json)){ if(!is_array($value)){ echo "$key: $value
"; }else{ echo "$key: "; foreach ($value as $current) { echo "$current  "; } echo '
'; } }

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

Simple array xml format serialization/deserialization

php Provide wddx_serialize_value and wddx_deserialize functions to serialize/deserialize objects in xml format

$xml=wddx_serialize_value($data);//把数组序列化为xml字符串 echo $xml.'
'; $array_xml=wddx_deserialize($xml);//把xml字符串反序列化为数组 while(list($key,$value)=each($array_xml)){ if(!is_array($value)){ echo "$key: $value
"; }else{ echo "$key: "; foreach ($value as $current) { echo "$current  "; } echo '
'; } }

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

Although due to HTML transcoding The reason is that the output format is very strange, but in fact the serialized string is like this

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

Compared with the json format, there are many more fields
Complex object json Format serialization/deserialization Many times when we operate, the object we process is not a simple array, but an array of our customized objects, json_encode and json_decode It is also competent. Customize an object with similar content to the above array

class Me { public $name; public $age; public $friends; function __construct($name,$age,$friends) { $this->name=$name; 
$this->age=$age; $this->friends=$friends; } }
$me1=new Me('Byron',24,array('Casper','Frank','Vincent')); 
$me2=new Me('Casper',25,array('Byron','Frank','Vincent')); 
$me3=new Me('Frank',26,array('Casper','Byron','Vincent')); //创建一个复杂的数组,子元素是自定义类,自定义类中包含数组字段 
$json=json_encode($array_me);//序列化对象数组为json字符串 echo $json.'
'; $a=json_decode($json);//将json字符串反序列化为对象数组 foreach ($a as $aa) { echo $aa->name.'
'; }

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

You can see that the serialized string format is very consistent with expectations. Complex object XML format serialization/deserialization. The same wddx_serialize_value and wddx_deserialize functions are also capable of XML format serialization/deserialization operations on complex objects. Use the object just now as an example

$me1=new Me('Byron',24,array('Casper','Frank','Vincent')); $me2=new Me('Casper',25,array('Byron','Frank','Vincent')); 
$me3=new Me('Frank',26,array('Casper','Byron','Vincent')); //创建一个复杂的数组,子元素是自定义类,自定义类中包含数组字段 
$array_me=array($me1,$me2,$me3); $xml=wddx_serialize_value($array_me);//序列化对象数组为xml字符串 echo $xml.'
'; $a=wddx_deserialize($xml);//将xml字符串反序列化为对象数组 foreach ($a as $aa) { echo $aa->name.'
'; }

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization

The generated xml string structure is like this

PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization
I am a beginner in PHP. There are many fallacies in the article. I hope everyone can criticize and correct me.

Related learning recommendations: PHP programming from entry to proficiency

The above is the detailed content of PHP json and xml serialization/deserialization. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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