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Learn about object-oriented concepts in PHP

2020-04-01 09:29:172773browse

This article will talk to you about the object-oriented concept of PHP. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Learn about object-oriented concepts in PHP

1. The concept of object-oriented

1. Object-oriented realizes the three aspects of software engineering Goal: Reusability, flexibility and scalability

2. Make the programming code simpler, easier to maintain, and have stronger reusability

3. Object-oriented characteristics :

Encapsulation: Hide the properties and implementation details of an object

Inheritance: The mechanism for deriving one or more classes from a base class

Polymorphism: Depending on the context in which the class is used To redefine or change the nature or behavior of a class

2. The relationship between classes and objects

1. Classes are used to generate objects Code template

2. In PHP, use the keyword class and an arbitrary class name to declare a class, with the first letter capitalized

3. Objects are "instances" of classes, and classes are objects. Abstract

	class Book{
	$book = new Book();

3. Attributes in the class

1. Refers to the variables declared in the class, also called member variables, used To store different data between objects

2. Use of attributes: Usually use the "->" symbol to connect objects and attribute names to access attribute variables

3. In class methods The attributes of the same object are accessed internally through "$this->"

4. The variable pointing to the object is a reference variable, and the memory address of the pointed object is stored in this variable

class Book{
public $name='PHP学习';
public function getName(){
return $this->name;
$book = new Book();
echo $book->name;//输出 PHP学习
echo $book->getName();//输出 PHP学习

4. Methods in the class

1. Properties allow the object to store data, and methods in the class allow the object to perform tasks

2. Use of methods: Use the "->" symbol to connect the object and method name to call the method, followed by parentheses

3. If the number of parameters exceeds the number of parameters defined by the method, PHP will ignore the excess Parameters, no error will be reported

4. Allowing a reference to another object to be passed inside a method

5. Construction method

1. The constructor method is a method automatically called when an object is created to ensure that necessary attributes are set

2. Use __construct() to define the constructor

public function __construct(){
$this->name = 'PHP学习';

6. Destructor and PHP’s garbage collection mechanism

1. The destructor method is executed when an object becomes garbage or when the object is explicitly destroyed. method.

2. When no variable refers to this object, the object becomes garbage, and PHP will automatically destroy it in memory. Garbage disposal mechanism

3. When a PHP thread ends, All memory space currently occupied will be destroyed, and all objects will also be destroyed

4. Use __destruct() to define the destructor. Generally, do not define the destructor

5. When When the object has no reference, the object is also destroyed

This article is reproduced from: https://blog.csdn.net/kelinfeng16/article/details/82662288

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