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Sorting code for pdo structure

2018-07-14 10:37:351223browse

This article mainly introduces the code for sorting out the pdo structure. It has a certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.

typedef struct {
    pdo_mysql_db_handle     *H;
    MYSQL_RES               *result;
    const MYSQL_FIELD       *fields;
    MYSQL_ROW               current_data;
    const size_t            *current_lengths;
    zend_long               *current_lengths;
    pdo_mysql_error_info    einfo;
    MYSQLND_STMT            *stmt; //st_mysqlnd_stmt
    MYSQL_STMT              *stmt;
    int                     num_params;
    PDO_MYSQL_PARAM_BIND    *params;
    my_bool                 *in_null;
    zend_ulong          *in_length;
    PDO_MYSQL_PARAM_BIND    *bound_result;
    my_bool                 *out_null;
    zend_ulong              *out_length;
    unsigned int            params_given;
    unsigned                max_length:1;
} pdo_mysql_stmt;
struct st_mysqlnd_stmt
    MYSQLND_STMT_DATA * data;///st_mysqlnd_stmt_data
    MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_stmt) * m;
    zend_bool persistent;
struct st_mysqlnd_res
    MYSQLND_CONN_DATA       *conn;
    enum_mysqlnd_res_type   type;
    unsigned int            field_count;

    /* For metadata functions */

    /* To be used with store_result() - both normal and PS */
    MYSQLND_RES_BUFFERED    *stored_data;

    zend_bool               persistent;
    MYSQLND_CLASS_METHODS_TYPE(mysqlnd_res) m;
struct st_mysqlnd_stmt_data
    MYSQLND_CONN_DATA           *conn;
    MYSQLND_RES                 *result;
    unsigned int                field_count;
    unsigned int                param_count;
    MYSQLND_CMD_BUFFER          execute_cmd_buffer;
    unsigned int                execute_count;/* count how many times the stmt was executed */
struct _pdo_stmt_t {
    /* driver specifics */
    struct pdo_stmt_methods *methods;
    void *driver_data;

    /* if true, we've already successfully executed this statement at least
     * once */
    unsigned executed:1;
    /* if true, the statement supports placeholders and can implement
     * bindParam() for its prepared statements, if false, PDO should
     * emulate prepare and bind on its behalf */
    unsigned supports_placeholders:2;

    unsigned _reserved:29;

    /* the number of columns in the result set; not valid until after
     * the statement has been executed at least once.  In some cases, might
     * not be valid until fetch (at the driver level) has been called at least once.
     * */
    int column_count;
    struct pdo_column_data *columns;

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s learning. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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