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PHP uses the pecl method to install extension examples to explain PHP skills

2018-06-28 17:35:121850browse

The editor below will share with you an example of how to install PHP extensions through pecl. It has a good reference value and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.

1. Install pecl and create shortcut keys (if you have already installed php, you can ignore this installation step)

# cd /usr/local/php/bin/  //可查看是否已带有pecl 
# wget http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar -O go-pear.php 
# php go-pear.php 
# ln -s /usr/local/php 
/bin/pecl /usr/bin/pecl

##2. Check whether the extension has been included

# pecl search swoole  // swoole为要查询扩展名(以swoole扩展为例) 
Retrieving data...0% 
.Matched packages, channel pecl.php.net: 
Package Stable/(Latest) Local 
swoole 1.9.23 (stable) Event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking engine with high performance for PHP. 
swoole_serialize 0.1.1 (beta) the fastest and smallest serialize fucntion bound for php7

3. Install the configuration extension

# pecl install swoole 
Build process completed successfully 
Installing '/usr/lib64/php/modules/swoole.so' 
install ok: channel://pecl.php.net/swoole-1.9.23 
configuration option "php_ini" is not set to php.ini location 
You should add "extension=swoole.so" to php.ini 
# 配置php.ini引用swoole.so然后重启php即可

##Note :Compared with the phpize method, the pecl method is easier to install, and can save the need to manually add it to php.iniThe above example explains how to install extensions in php through the pecl method. This is all the content that the editor has shared with you. I hope it can give you a reference and I hope you will support the php Chinese website.

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