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About how to use paypal to pay for php shopping website

2018-06-19 17:28:002444browse

This article mainly introduces how to use Paypal to pay for PHP shopping websites. It has a certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.

PayPal is fast, safe and convenient. , is the preferred online payment method for cross-border transactions. Now PayPal can be associated with most domestic credit cards, allowing Chinese people to make cross-border transactions.

Define constant paypalurl

const PAYPAL_URL = 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/';

Record the data to be transmitted as an array

$paypalData = array(
                   'add'                => 1,
                    'cmd'               => '_ext-enter', 
                    'redirect_cmd'    => '_xclick', 
                    'business'            => $paypalAccount, --------liangliangfeng211@gmail.com这个是收款人的paypal账号
                    'item_name'       => '51customimprint shopping cart',
                    'item_number'   => $order->id,
                    'first_name'        => $address->first_name,
                    'last_name'         => $address->last_name,
                    'address1'           => $address->address1, 
                    'city'                     => $address->city,
                    'state'                  => $address->state_or_province,
                    'zip'                      => $address->zip_code, 
                    'amount'            => $order->subtotal,
                    'shipping'          => $order->shipping_fee,
                    'no_note'            => 1,
                    'currency_code'    => 'USD', 
                    'lc'                      => 'US'

Convert this array into a url address

$paypalArguments = array();
                foreach($paypalData as $k => $v){
                    array_push($paypalArguments, $k . '=' . urlencode($v));
                $paypalUrl = self::PAYPAL_URL . '?' . implode('&', $paypalArguments);

Next, when we test, we should set the address of the Paypal interface to:

https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/ webscr

Basic process
When a customer pays you, PayPal will send a message to the specified URL (type=”hidden” name=”notify_url” value=” “ ) server sends a notification. This notification will include all of your customer's payment information (for example, customer name, amount), as well as an encrypted code. When the server is notified, it then sends that information, including the encryption code, back to the secure PayPal URL. PayPal will authenticate the transaction by checking the encrypted string. This transfer of IPN data back to PayPal prevents "spoofing" so you can be sure that the IPN is coming from PayPal. When verifying, PayPal sends confirmation of its legitimacy back to your server.

Tip: To enable instant payment notifications, you will need to enter a URL through which you can receive notifications from your user information.

After enabling instant payment notification, your server will receive a notification every time you receive a payment. This notification will be sent to the specified URL in a hidden "FORM POST" and will include All payment information. The notification's FORM variables are listed at the bottom of this page.

Each time you receive an IPN from PayPal, you must complete the notification confirmation process described below before implementing your order. Confirming the listed information will ensure the transaction is legitimate.

Notification Confirmation IPN
In order to ensure that the payment has entered your PayPal account, you must verify that the email address used as "receiver_email" is registered in your PayPal account and Get confirmation.

After the server receives the instant payment notification, you will need to confirm it by constructing an HTTP POST to PayPal. Your POST should be sent to https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr

You must send all form variables you receive exactly as you received them. You also need to append a variable named "cmd" with a value of "_notify-validate" (for example, cmd=_notify-validate) to the POST string.

PayPal will reply to this POST and include the word "VERIFIED" or "INVALID" in the body of the reply. When you receive a VERIFIED reply, you need to perform several checks before executing the order:

Confirm that "payment_status" is "Completed" as the system will also provide other results (such as "Pending" or "Failed") Send IPN.
Check that "txn_id" is not duplicated to prevent fraudsters from reusing old completed transactions.
Verify that "receiver_email" is the email address registered in your PayPal account to prevent payments from being sent to a fraudster's account.
Check other transaction details (such as item number and price) to confirm that the price has not changed. After completing the above checks, you can update your database with the IPN data and process the purchase.
If an "invalid" notification is received, it should be considered a suspicious notification and should be investigated.

The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

Related recommendations:

About the code for implementing the shopping cart in PHP 2

##Use PHP to implement Alipay payment on the mobile app Function

The above is the detailed content of About how to use paypal to pay for php shopping website. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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