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About common methods of CDBCriteria in Yii

2018-06-15 10:40:371700browse

This article mainly introduces the common methods of Yii CDBCriteria. It summarizes and analyzes the functions and common methods of the CDBCriteria class in the form of examples. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it.

The examples in this article describe Yii CDBCriteria common methods. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

Note: $c = new CDbCriteria(); is a way of writing ActiveRecord, which makes ActiveRecord more flexible, instead of DAO (PDO) and Query Builder.

A small comment: I feel that this part of the manual is average.

These are some notes and common usage of Yii CDbCriteria:

1. A sql assembly situation

Php code:

$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->addCondition("id=1"); //查询条件,即where id = 1
$criteria->addInCondition('id', array(1,2,3,4,5)); //代表where id IN (1,23,,4,5,);
$criteria->addNotInCondition('id', array(1,2,3,4,5));//与上面正好相法,是NOT IN
$criteria->addSearchCondition('name', '分类');//搜索条件,其实代表了。。where name like '%分类%'
$criteria->addBetweenCondition('id', 1, 4);//between 1 and 4
$criteria->compare('id', 1); //这个方法比较特殊,他会根据你的参数自动处理成addCondition或者addInCondition,
$criteria->addCondition("id = :id");
$criteria->select = 'id,parentid,name'; //代表了要查询的字段,默认select='*';
$criteria->join = 'xxx'; //连接表
$criteria->with = 'xxx'; //调用relations
$criteria->limit = 10; //取1条数据,如果小于0,则不作处理
$criteria->offset = 1; //两条合并起来,则表示 limit 10 offset 1,或者代表了。limit 1,10
$criteria->order = 'xxx DESC,XXX ASC' ;//排序条件
$criteria->group = 'group 条件';
$criteria->having = 'having 条件 ';
$criteria->distinct = FALSE; //是否唯一查询


Php code:

$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->select = 'table_name,model_id,sum(amount) total';
$criteria->group = 'table_name,model_id';
$criteria->addCondition("$nIdcId=4");//也可以$criteria->condition = "$nIdcId=4";
$aResult = accessory_info::model()->findAll($criteria);
$c = new CDbCriteria();
$c->select = 't.id, t.created_at, t.outsource_id, t.user_id, t.operate, t.content';
$c->join = 'LEFT JOIN outsource ON outsource.id=t.outsource_id';
$c->condition = 'outsource.idc_id IN(' . implode(',', $idc_ids) . ')';
if($last_log_id) {
$c->condition .= " AND t.id > $last_log_id";
$c->limit = 20;
$c->order = 't.id DESC';
$logs = OutsourceProcessLog::model()->findAll($c);


1. The difference from the DAO method is that each element in the DAO method array is still an array. With the CDbCriteria method, the elements in the array are objects.
2. Even if this function is very powerful, there are still some requirements that cannot be met, and sql statements are still needed at this time. For example, select avg(num) amount from ****.
3. Print the results after running, and you can learn more about how Yii implements this

Php code:

$c = new CDbCriteria();
$c->join = "JOIN idc_user on t.id=idc_user.user_id";
$c->condition = "idc_user.idc_id=$idc_id";
object(CDbCriteria)#98 (12) { ["select"]=> string(1) "*" ["distinct"]=> bool(false) ["condition"]=> string(17) "idc_user.idc_id=6" ["params"]=> array(0) { } ["limit"]=> int(-1) ["offset"]=> int(-1) ["order"]=> string(0) "" ["group"]=> string(0) "" ["join"]=> string(38) "JOIN idc_user on t.id=idc_user.user_id" ["having"]=> string(0) "" ["with"]=> NULL ["alias"]=> NULL }

2. The situation of mergeWith

Php code:

'condition'=>"idc_id IN ($ids)",

The above is the entire content of this article , I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s learning. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

Related recommendations:

How to implement the Yii framework to output and execute sql statements on the page and debug

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The above is the detailed content of About common methods of CDBCriteria in Yii. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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