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Laravel framework implements an example of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking (CURD) operations in the model layer

2018-06-01 09:36:541452browse

This article mainly introduces the Laravel framework to implement the addition, deletion, modification and query (CURD) operation of the model layer. It analyzes the specific implementation techniques of the Laravel framework model model layer to perform the addition, deletion, modification and query operation of the database in the form of examples. Friends in need can refer to the following

The example of this article describes the Laravel framework's implementation of the add, delete, modify, and query (CURD) operation of the model layer. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

protected $table = 'user_city';
public $timestamps = false;
//添加 返回id
public function cityadd($data)
    return $this->insertGetId($data);
public function getfind($id)
      return $this->where('id',$id)->first()->toArray();
      return [];
public function countCity($uid){
      return $this->where('uid',$uid)->count();
      return [];
public function getAll()
    return $this->get()->toArray();
* 修改管理员信息
* @param $id
* @param $data
* @return bool
public function upAdmin($id,$data)
      return $this->where('id',$id)->update($data);
      return false;
public function buy_num($uid){
    $startDate = date('Y-m-01', strtotime(date("Y-m-d")));
    $endDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$startDate +1 month -1 day"));
    // 将日期转换为Unix时间戳
    $endDate=$endDate." 22:59:59";
    $startDateStr = strtotime($startDate);
    $endtDateStr = strtotime($endDate);
    return $this->where('uid',$uid)->where('buy_type',1)->whereBetween('create_time', array($startDateStr,$endtDateStr))->sum('buy_num');
* 根据id查找城池信息 只返回某个字段的值
* @param $id
* @return array
public function getCityName($id)
      return $this->where('city_id',$id)->lists('city_name')[0];
      return [];

The above is the entire content of this article, thank you for reading. Please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for more information!

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The above is the detailed content of Laravel framework implements an example of adding, deleting, modifying, and checking (CURD) operations in the model layer. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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