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PHP implementation determines client type

2018-05-31 17:27:091695browse

This article mainly introduces the method of PHP to determine whether the client is a PC or a mobile phone, which can be used by the website for statistics. Friends who need to know more can refer to it.

When collecting website user data statistics, we often need to obtain the user's browser type and operating system type. This article mainly introduces how to determine the client type based on PHP. Friends who need it can come and find out.

Method one:


 * 根据php的$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] 中各种浏览器访问时所包含各个浏览器特定的字符串来判断是属于PC还是移动端
 * @author      discuz3x
 * @lastmodify  2014-04-09
 * @return BOOL
function checkmobile() {
 global $_G;
 $mobile = array();
 static $touchbrowser_list =array('iphone', 'android', 'phone', 'mobile', 'wap', 'netfront', 'java', 'opera mobi', 'opera mini',
  'ucweb', 'windows ce', 'symbian', 'series', 'webos', 'sony', 'blackberry', 'dopod', 'nokia', 'samsung',
  'palmsource', 'xda', 'pieplus', 'meizu', 'midp', 'cldc', 'motorola', 'foma', 'docomo', 'up.browser',
  'up.link', 'blazer', 'helio', 'hosin', 'huawei', 'novarra', 'coolpad', 'webos', 'techfaith', 'palmsource',
  'alcatel', 'amoi', 'ktouch', 'nexian', 'ericsson', 'philips', 'sagem', 'wellcom', 'bunjalloo', 'maui', 'smartphone',
  'iemobile', 'spice', 'bird', 'zte-', 'longcos', 'pantech', 'gionee', 'portalmmm', 'jig browser', 'hiptop',
  'benq', 'haier', '^lct', '320x320', '240x320', '176x220');
 static $mobilebrowser_list =array('windows phone');
 static $wmlbrowser_list = array('cect', 'compal', 'ctl', 'lg', 'nec', 'tcl', 'alcatel', 'ericsson', 'bird', 'daxian', 'dbtel', 'eastcom',
  'pantech', 'dopod', 'philips', 'haier', 'konka', 'kejian', 'lenovo', 'benq', 'mot', 'soutec', 'nokia', 'sagem', 'sgh',
  'sed', 'capitel', 'panasonic', 'sonyericsson', 'sharp', 'amoi', 'panda', 'zte');
 $pad_list = array('pad', 'gt-p1000');
 $useragent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
 if(dstrpos($useragent, $pad_list)) {
 return false;
 if(($v = dstrpos($useragent, $mobilebrowser_list, true))){
 $_G['mobile'] = $v;
 return '1';
 if(($v = dstrpos($useragent, $touchbrowser_list, true))){
 $_G['mobile'] = $v;
 return '2';
 if(($v = dstrpos($useragent, $wmlbrowser_list))) {
 $_G['mobile'] = $v;
 return '3'; //wml版
 $brower = array('mozilla', 'chrome', 'safari', 'opera', 'm3gate', 'winwap', 'openwave', 'myop');
 if(dstrpos($useragent, $brower)) return false;
 $_G['mobile'] = 'unknown';
 if(isset($_G['mobiletpl'][$_GET['mobile']])) {
 return true;
 } else {
 return false;
 * 判断$arr中元素字符串是否有出现在$string中
 * @param $string   $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] 
 * @param $arr     各中浏览器$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']中必定会包含的字符串
 * @param $returnvalue 返回浏览器名称还是返回布尔值,true为返回浏览器名称,false为返回布尔值【默认】
 * @author      discuz3x
 * @lastmodify  2014-04-09
function dstrpos($string, $arr, $returnvalue = false) {
 if(empty($string)) return false;
 foreach((array)$arr as $v) {
 if(strpos($string, $v) !== false) {
  $return = $returnvalue ? $v : true;
  return $return;
 return false;

Method two:

Determine whether the mobile phone is IOS or Android

The code is as follows:

 * 判断是否手机访问
function is_mobile()
  static $is_mobile;
  if (isset($is_mobile)) return $is_mobile;
  if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
    $is_mobile = false;
  } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mobile') !== false // many mobile devices (all iPhone, iPad, etc.)
    || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Android') !== false
    || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Silk/') !== false
    || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Kindle') !== false
    || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'BlackBerry') !== false
    || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera Mini') !== false
    || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera Mobi') !== false
  ) {
    $is_mobile = true;
  } else {
    $is_mobile = false;
  return $is_mobile;

Summary: The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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The above is the detailed content of PHP implementation determines client type. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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