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PHP implements mood voting function

2018-05-18 10:02:081448browse

This article mainly introduces examples of PHP's mood voting function (source code attached), which has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it

when browsing the news page or other pages There will be feelings after reading, such as awesome, calm, soy sauce, come on, cheating, etc. Let readers rate it to see if they feel the same as other readers. Very nice interaction!

Download now: mood_jb51.rar

This article requires familiarity with jquery, mysql, and ajax-related knowledge, but it is not used much. This article has three files: index.html, mood.php, sql.php

  • ##index.html, page display and request ajax data

  • mood.php, the background file processes the data from the get request and returns the data

  • sql.php, the database file, stores the database information

Let’s jump right into the code.


First import jquery


When the document is loaded, request (ajax-get) the number of voters data

  type: 'GET',
  url: 'mood.php',
  cache: false,
  data: 'id=1',
  dataType: 'json',
  error: function(){
  success: function(json){
        var str = "
  • "+array['mood_val']+"


  • "; $("#mood ul").append(str); }); } } });

    Return and add it to the web page, and then Just click on the expression logic and ajax to the background

      var face = $(this);
      var mid = face.attr("rel");
      var value = face.parent().find("span").html();
      var val = parseInt(value)+1;

    In this way, the entire front desk completes the work


    First, import the sql.php database file


    This file What is processed is the core of the entire function, processing databases, cookies...

    1. Processing the code to obtain the number of voters

    $mname = explode(',',$moodname);//心情说明
    $num = count($mname);
    $mpic = explode(',',$moodpic);//心情图标
    $id = (int)$_GET['id'];
    $query = mysql_query("select * from mood where id=$id");
    $rs = mysql_fetch_array($query);
      $total = $rs['mood0']+$rs['mood1']+$rs['mood2']+$rs['mood3']+$rs['mood4'];
        $field = 'mood'.$i;
        $m_val = intval($rs[$field]);
        $height = 0; //柱图高度
        if($total && $m_val){
          $height=round(($m_val/$total)*$moodpicheight); //计算高度
        $arr[] = array(
          'mid' => $i,
          'mood_name' => $mname[$i],
          'mood_pic' => $mpic[$i],
          'mood_val' => $m_val,
          'height' => $height
      echo json_encode($arr);
    } else {
        $arr[] = array(
          'mid' => $i,
          'mood_name' => $mname[$i],
          'mood_pic' => $mpic[$i],
          'mood_val' => 0,
          'height' => 0
      echo json_encode($arr);

    2. Processing voting function


    $id = (int)$_POST['id'];
    $mid = (int)$_POST['moodid'];
    if($mid<0 || !$id){
      echo "错误";
    $havemood = chk_mood($id);
      echo "您已表达过了";exit;
    $field = 'mood'.$mid;
    $result = mysql_query("select 1 from mood where id='{$id}'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
      $query = mysql_query("update mood set ".$field."=".$field."+1 where id=".$id);
        setcookie("mood".$id, $mid.$id, time()+3600);
        $query2 = mysql_query("select * from mood where id=$id");
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($query2);
        $total = $rs['mood0']+$rs['mood1']+$rs['mood2']+$rs['mood3']+$rs['mood4'];
        $height = round(($rs[$field]/$total)*$moodpicheight);
        echo $height;
        echo -1;
    } else {
      mysql_query("INSERT INTO mood(id,mood0,mood1,mood2,mood3,mood4)VALUES ('{$id}','0','0','0','0','0')");
      $query = mysql_query("update mood set ".$field."=".$field."+1 where id=".$id);
      setcookie("mood".$id, $mid.$id, time()+3600);
      echo $moodpicheight;

    This file is very simple, basically processing the database , the logic is not very complicated. You can come down and take a closer look yourself.


    A general database information storage file, database IP, account, password, database name, etc.

    mysql_query("SET names UTF8");
    header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");

    So far all the core codes have been posted, so I’ll skip it. If you need to, download it and take a look.

    By the way, there is also a database, okay, let’s post the DDL too

    CREATE TABLE `mood` (
     `id` tinyint(5) NOT NULL,
     `mood0` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `mood1` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `mood2` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `mood3` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `mood4` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL,
     PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    Related recommendations:

    PHP post mood voting function example sharing

    php implement the mood voting function example code sharing

    PHP jQuery Ajax Mysql article Mood voting

    The above is the detailed content of PHP implements mood voting function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

    The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact admin@php.cn