Home>Article>Backend Development> PHP database is based on PDO operation class (mysql)
The content shared in this article is that the PHP database is based on the PDO operation class (mysql). Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to the content of this article
_host = $conf['host']; $this->_port = $conf['port']; $this->_user = $conf['user']; $this->_pass = $conf['password']; $this->_dbName = $conf['dbname']; //连接数据库 if ( is_null(self::$_dbh) ) { $this->_connect(); } } /** * 连接数据库的方法 */ protected function _connect() { $dsn = $this->_dbType.':host='.$this->_host.';port='.$this->_port.';dbname='.$this->_dbName; //持久化连接 $options = $this->_pconnect ? array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT=>true) : array(); try { $dbh = new PDO($dsn, $this->_user, $this->_pass, $options); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //设置如果sql语句执行错误则抛出异常,事务会自动回滚 $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); //禁用prepared statements的仿真效果(防SQL注入) } catch (PDOException $e) { die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } $dbh->exec('SET NAMES utf8'); self::$_dbh = $dbh; } /** * 字段和表名添加 `符号 * 保证指令中使用关键字不出错 针对mysql * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function _addChar($value) { if ('*'==$value || false!==strpos($value,'(') || false!==strpos($value,'.') || false!==strpos($value,'`')) { //如果包含* 或者 使用了sql方法 则不作处理 } elseif (false === strpos($value,'`') ) { $value = '`'.trim($value).'`'; } return $value; } /** * 取得数据表的字段信息 * @param string $tbName 表名 * @return array */ protected function _tbFields($tbName) { $sql = 'SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="'.$tbName.'" AND TABLE_SCHEMA="'.$this->_dbName.'"'; $stmt = self::$_dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $ret = array(); foreach ($result as $key=>$value) { $ret[$value['COLUMN_NAME']] = 1; } return $ret; } /** * 过滤并格式化数据表字段 * @param string $tbName 数据表名 * @param array $data POST提交数据 * @return array $newdata */ protected function _dataFormat($tbName,$data) { if (!is_array($data)) return array(); $table_column = $this->_tbFields($tbName); $ret=array(); foreach ($data as $key=>$val) { if (!is_scalar($val)) continue; //值不是标量则跳过 if (array_key_exists($key,$table_column)) { $key = $this->_addChar($key); if (is_int($val)) { $val = intval($val); } elseif (is_float($val)) { $val = floatval($val); } elseif (preg_match('/^\(\w*(\+|\-|\*|\/)?\w*\)$/i', $val)) { // 支持在字段的值里面直接使用其它字段 ,例如 (score+1) (name) 必须包含括号 $val = $val; } elseif (is_string($val)) { //将字符串中的单引号(')、双引号(")、反斜线(\)与 NUL(NULL 字符转义 $val = '"'.addslashes($val).'"'; } $ret[$key] = $val; } } return $ret; } /** * 执行查询 主要针对 SELECT, SHOW 等指令 * @param string $sql sql指令 * @return mixed */ protected function _doQuery($sql='') { $this->_sql = $sql; $pdostmt = self::$_dbh->prepare($this->_sql); //prepare或者query 返回一个PDOStatement $pdostmt->execute(); $result = $pdostmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $result; } /** * 执行语句 针对 INSERT, UPDATE 以及DELETE,exec结果返回受影响的行数 * @param string $sql sql指令 * @return integer */ protected function _doExec($sql='') { $this->_sql = $sql; return self::$_dbh->exec($this->_sql); } /** * 执行sql语句,自动判断进行查询或者执行操作 * @param string $sql SQL指令 * @return mixed */ public function doSql($sql='') { $queryIps = 'INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE|CREATE|DROP|LOAD DATA|SELECT .* INTO|COPY|ALTER|GRANT|REVOKE|LOCK|UNLOCK'; if (preg_match('/^\s*"?(' . $queryIps . ')\s+/i', $sql)) { return $this->_doExec($sql); } else { //查询操作 return $this->_doQuery($sql); } } /** * 获取最近一次查询的sql语句 * @return String 执行的SQL */ public function getLastSql() { return $this->_sql; } /** * 插入方法 * @param string $tbName 操作的数据表名 * @param array $data 字段-值的一维数组 * @return int 受影响的行数 */ public function insert($tbName,array $data){ $data = $this->_dataFormat($tbName,$data); if (!$data) return; $sql = "insert into ".$tbName."(".implode(',',array_keys($data)).") values(".implode(',',array_values($data)).")"; return $this->_doExec($sql); } /** * 删除方法 * @param string $tbName 操作的数据表名 * @return int 受影响的行数 */ public function delete($tbName) { //安全考虑,阻止全表删除 if (!trim($this->_where)) return false; $sql = "delete from ".$tbName." ".$this->_where; $this->_clear = 1; $this->_clear(); return $this->_doExec($sql); } /** * 更新函数 * @param string $tbName 操作的数据表名 * @param array $data 参数数组 * @return int 受影响的行数 */ public function update($tbName,array $data) { //安全考虑,阻止全表更新 if (!trim($this->_where)) return false; $data = $this->_dataFormat($tbName,$data); if (!$data) return; $valArr = ''; foreach($data as $k=>$v){ $valArr[] = $k.'='.$v; } $valStr = implode(',', $valArr); $sql = "update ".trim($tbName)." set ".trim($valStr)." ".trim($this->_where); return $this->_doExec($sql); } /** * 查询函数 * @param string $tbName 操作的数据表名 * @return array 结果集 */ public function select($tbName='') { $sql = "select ".trim($this->_field)." from ".$tbName." ".trim($this->_where)." ".trim($this->_order)." ".trim($this->_limit); //echo $sql; $this->_clear = 1; $this->_clear(); return $this->_doQuery(trim($sql)); } /** * @param mixed $option 组合条件的二维数组,例:$option['field1'] = array(1,'=>','or') * @return $this */ public function where($option) { if ($this->_clear>0) $this->_clear(); $this->_where = ' where '; $logic = 'and'; if (is_string($option)) { $this->_where .= $option; } elseif (is_array($option)) { foreach($option as $k=>$v) { if (is_array($v)) { $relative = isset($v[1]) ? $v[1] : '='; $logic = isset($v[2]) ? $v[2] : 'and'; $condition = ' ('.$this->_addChar($k).' '.$relative.' '.$v[0].') '; } else { $logic = 'and'; $condition = ' ('.$this->_addChar($k).'='.$v.') '; } $this->_where .= isset($mark) ? $logic.$condition : $condition; $mark = 1; } } return $this; } /** * 设置排序 * @param mixed $option 排序条件数组 例:array('sort'=>'desc') * @return $this */ public function order($option) { if ($this->_clear>0) $this->_clear(); $this->_order = ' order by '; if (is_string($option)) { $this->_order .= $option; } elseif (is_array($option)) { foreach($option as $k=>$v){ $order = $this->_addChar($k).' '.$v; $this->_order .= isset($mark) ? ','.$order : $order; $mark = 1; } } return $this; } /** * 设置查询行数及页数 * @param int $page pageSize不为空时为页数,否则为行数 * @param int $pageSize 为空则函数设定取出行数,不为空则设定取出行数及页数 * @return $this */ public function limit($page,$pageSize=null) { if ($this->_clear>0) $this->_clear(); if ($pageSize===null) { $this->_limit = "limit ".$page; } else { $pageval = intval( ($page - 1) * $pageSize); $this->_limit = "limit ".$pageval.",".$pageSize; } return $this; } /** * 设置查询字段 * @param mixed $field 字段数组 * @return $this */ public function field($field){ if ($this->_clear>0) $this->_clear(); if (is_string($field)) { $field = explode(',', $field); } $nField = array_map(array($this,'_addChar'), $field); $this->_field = implode(',', $nField); return $this; } /** * 清理标记函数 */ protected function _clear() { $this->_where = ''; $this->_order = ''; $this->_limit = ''; $this->_field = '*'; $this->_clear = 0; } /** * 手动清理标记 * @return $this */ public function clearKey() { $this->_clear(); return $this; } /** * 启动事务 * @return void */ public function startTrans() { //数据rollback 支持 if ($this->_trans==0) self::$_dbh->beginTransaction(); $this->_trans++; return; } /** * 用于非自动提交状态下面的查询提交 * @return boolen */ public function commit() { $result = true; if ($this->_trans>0) { $result = self::$_dbh->commit(); $this->_trans = 0; } return $result; } /** * 事务回滚 * @return boolen */ public function rollback() { $result = true; if ($this->_trans>0) { $result = self::$_dbh->rollback(); $this->_trans = 0; } return $result; } /** * 关闭连接 * PHP 在脚本结束时会自动关闭连接。 */ public function close() { if (!is_null(self::$_dbh)) self::$_dbh = null; } }Related recommendations:
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The above is the detailed content of PHP database is based on PDO operation class (mysql). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!