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PHP implements a log function

2018-04-11 11:12:204871browse

This time I will bring you PHP to implement a log function. What are the precautions for PHP to implement the log function? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

This time I will bring you PHP to implement a log function. What are the precautions for PHP to implement the log function? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

We want to write a log function. First we need to understand the requirements. How do we generally use the log function? For example, when the program reaches a certain step, I hope to print the value of this variable (address) $user_address to Log,

We hope the log reads like this:

`xx-xx-xx xx:xx $user_address: xxxxx, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Then each log Both have line breaks and date and time.

Assume the function name is log();

We hope to call it like this log('useraddress:user_address);

What if $user_address is an array. I want to output all the contents of an array to the log. What should I do?

There is a function called print_r($arg,true). The second parameter means not to output directly. , but the output result is used as the return value. We know that its output result is a


log function can be written like this

log(){$args= func_get_args();//获得传入的所有参数的数组$numargs= func_num_args();//参数的个数if($numargs==0) {$log="";     } elseif ($numargs==1) {$log=$args[0];     }else{$format= 
($format,$args);//把参数代入$format中,}$log=date("[Y/m/d H:i:s] ") .$log. PHP_EOL;//加上时间$file='/usr/share/nginx/html/log.log'$fp=fopen($file,'a');fwrite($fp,$log);fclose($fp);returntrue;     }

Usage: 1. Print general variable $a,

log('得到了$a的值:%s',$a );

2. Print an array $arr


can be used for the above Improve the function

functionlog2($arg){$log= vsprintf('%s', print_r($arg,true));$log= date('[Y/m/d H:i:s]') .'---'.$log. PHP_EOL;$path= dirname(FILE) .'/log.log'$fp= 
($path,$log, FILE_APPEND);returntrue; }$a=[1,23,45,45]; log2($a);

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of PHP implements a log function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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