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How to make thinkphp5 load static resource paths and constants

2018-04-11 10:30:292640browse

This time I will show you how to make thinkphp5 load static resource paths and constants, and how to make thinkphp5 load static resource paths and constants. What are the precautions?The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

1. Load static resource path

Versions greater than 5.0.4 can be used directly

ROOT: project directory

STATIC: static directory under the project directory

JS: static/js directory under the project directory

css: static/css directory under the project directory

We can use the view template to print the specific paths of these constants

Insert title here


The page output is as follows:


Open the config file in the application folder and customize resource constants according to your own needs. After defining the constants, you can use them in the template file.

For example:

  'ROOT' => '/',
  'APP' => 'app/admin/',

2, Predefined constants

Predefined constants refer to constants that are built into the system and will not change with changes in the environment, including:

EXT class library file suffix (.php)

THINK_VERSION framework version number

3. Path constant

System and application path constants are used for the system's default directory specifications and can be changed by redefining them. If you do not want to customize the directory, these constants generally do not need to be changed.

DS 当前系统的目录分隔符
THINK_PATH 框架系统目录 
ROOT_PATH 框架应用根目录
APP_PATH 应用目录(默认为application)
LIB_PATH 系统类库目录(默认为 THINK_PATH.'library/')
CORE_PATH 系统核心类库目录 (默认为 LIB_PATH.'think/')
TRAIT_PATH 系统trait目录(默认为 LIB_PATH.'traits/')
EXTEND_PATH 扩展类库目录(默认为 ROOT_PATH . 'extend/')
VENDOR_PATH 第三方类库目录(默认为 ROOT_PATH . 'vendor/')
RUNTIME_PATH 应用运行时目录(默认为 ROOT_PATH.'runtime/')
LOG_PATH 应用日志目录 (默认为 RUNTIME_PATH.'log/')
CACHE_PATH 项目模板缓存目录(默认为 RUNTIME_PATH.'cache/')
TEMP_PATH 应用缓存目录(默认为 RUNTIME_PATH.'temp/')

4. System constants

System constants will change as the development environment changes or settings change.

IS_WIN 是否属于Windows 环境 
IS_CLI 是否属于命令行模式 
THINK_START_TIME 开始运行时间(时间戳)
THINK_START_MEM 开始运行时候的内存占用
ENV_PREFIX 环境变量配置前缀

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

Detailed explanation of the use of PHP array access interface ArrayAccess

How to count binary algorithms in PHP

The above is the detailed content of How to make thinkphp5 load static resource paths and constants. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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