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Several common ways of asynchronous execution in PHP

2018-05-29 10:56:2815826browse

This article mainly introduces 4 common ways of PHP asynchronous execution to help you better analyze PHP asynchronous calling methods and master them proficiently. Interested friends can refer to them. I hope to be helpful.

This article describes the php asynchronous calling method and shares it with you for your reference. The specific content is as follows
The client and server are through the HTTP protocol For connection communication, the client initiates a request, the server performs processing after receiving the request, and returns the processing result.
Sometimes the server needs to perform a time-consuming operation, and the result of this operation does not need to be returned to the client. But because PHP is executed synchronously, the client needs to wait for the service to be processed before proceeding to the next step.
Therefore, time-consuming operations are suitable for asynchronous execution. After the server receives the request, it returns after processing the data required by the client, and then performs time-consuming operations asynchronously on the server.
1. Using Ajax and img tag
Principle: Insert Ajax code or img tag into the HTML returned by the server. The src of img is the program that needs to be executed.
Advantages: Simple implementation, the server does not need to perform any calls
Disadvantages: During execution, the browser will It is always in the loading state, so this method is not a true asynchronous call.

$.get("doRequest.php", { name: "fdipzone"} );

2. Use popen
Use popen to execute commands, syntax:

// popen — 打开进程文件指针  
resource popen ( string $command , string $mode )
pclose(popen('php /home/fdipzone/doRequest.php &', 'r'));

Advantages: Execution speed Fast

  • 1). Can only be executed on this machine

  • 2). You cannot pass a large number of parameters

  • 3). Many processes will be created when the traffic is high

3. Use curl
Set the curl timeout CURLOPT_TIMEOUT to 1 (the minimum is 1), so the client needs to wait for 1 second

4. Using fsockopen
fsockopen is the best. The disadvantage is that you need to splice the header part yourself.

doRequest($url, $param); 
function doRequest($url, $param=array()){ 
  $urlinfo = parse_url($url); 
  $host = $urlinfo['host']; 
  $path = $urlinfo['path']; 
  $query = isset($param)? http_build_query($param) : ''; 
  $port = 80; 
  $errno = 0; 
  $errstr = ''; 
  $timeout = 10; 
  $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); 
  $out = "POST ".$path." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; 
  $out .= "host:".$host."\r\n"; 
  $out .= "content-length:".strlen($query)."\r\n"; 
  $out .= "content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; 
  $out .= "connection:close\r\n\r\n"; 
  $out .= $query; 
  fputs($fp, $out); 

Note: During the execution process, the client connection is disconnected or the connection times out, which may cause incomplete execution, so you need to add

ignore_user_abort(true); // 忽略客户端断开 
set_time_limit(0);    // 设置执行不超时

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The above is the detailed content of Several common ways of asynchronous execution in PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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