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How to implement paging using symfony

2017-10-10 09:06:401975browse

1. Symfony paging requires components, so KnpPaginatorBundle is used here to achieve page turning

2. Use composer to download

In the command line: composer require "knplabs/knp-paginator-bundle"

3. You need to register the component in the framework and register it in app/Resources/AppKernel.php under the project

 public functionregisterBundles() {   
            $bundles = [                     
            new   Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(),         ];    

4. In the controller Code

class NewsController extends Controller
     * 2016-1-19
     * auth:lsf
     * 查询列表
     * @param   int $page   页数
     * @param   int $limit  显示条数
    public function indexAction($page,$limit){
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        $qb = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:DemoList')->createQueryBuilder('u');
//Appbundle是你的模块DemoList是你的表实体 u是别名后面可接条件
        $paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
        $pagination = $paginator->paginate($qb, $page,$limit);
        return $this->render('news/list.html.twig',['pagination' => $pagination]);

5. Routing

  path: "/news/{page}/{limit}"
  defaults: {_controller: AppBundle:News:index,page:1,limit:2}

{% for value in pagination %}
{% endfor %}
{{ knp_pagination_render(pagination) }}

The above is the detailed content of How to implement paging using symfony. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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