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Detailed explanation of examples of tp framework page class and bootstrap paging

2017-06-27 15:08:041985browse

This article mainly introduces the thinkphp framework page class and bootstrap paging (beautification). Friends who need it can refer to the

bootstrap style usage method. Write the link content here


// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Think;
class Page{
  public $firstRow; // 起始行数
  public $listRows; // 列表每页显示行数
  public $parameter; // 分页跳转时要带的参数
  public $totalRows; // 总行数
  public $totalPages; // 分页总页面数
  public $rollPage  = 11;// 分页栏每页显示的页数
  public $lastSuffix = true; // 最后一页是否显示总页数
  private $p    = 'p'; //分页参数名
  private $url   = ''; //当前链接URL
  private $nowPage = 1;
  // 分页显示定制
  private $config = array(
    'header' => '
  • 共 %TOTAL_ROW% 条记录
  • ', 'prev' => '<<', 'next' => '>>', 'first' => '1...', 'last' => '...%TOTAL_PAGE%', 'theme' => '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END%', ); /** * 架构函数 * @param array $totalRows 总的记录数 * @param array $listRows 每页显示记录数 * @param array $parameter 分页跳转的参数 */ public function construct($totalRows, $listRows=20, $parameter = array()) { C('VAR_PAGE') && $this->p = C('VAR_PAGE'); //设置分页参数名称 /* 基础设置 */ $this->totalRows = $totalRows; //设置总记录数 $this->listRows = $listRows; //设置每页显示行数 $this->parameter = empty($parameter) ? $_GET : $parameter; $this->nowPage = empty($_GET[$this->p]) ? 1 : intval($_GET[$this->p]); $this->nowPage = $this->nowPage>0 ? $this->nowPage : 1; $this->firstRow = $this->listRows * ($this->nowPage - 1); } /** * 定制分页链接设置 * @param string $name 设置名称 * @param string $value 设置值 */ public function setConfig($name,$value) { if(isset($this->config[$name])) { $this->config[$name] = $value; } } /** * 生成链接URL * @param integer $page 页码 * @return string */ private function url($page){ return str_replace(urlencode('[PAGE]'), $page, $this->url); } /** * 组装分页链接 * @return string */ public function show() { if(0 == $this->totalRows) return ''; /* 生成URL */ $this->parameter[$this->p] = '[PAGE]'; $this->url = U(ACTION_NAME, $this->parameter); /* 计算分页信息 */ $this->totalPages = ceil($this->totalRows / $this->listRows); //总页数 if(!empty($this->totalPages) && $this->nowPage > $this->totalPages) { $this->nowPage = $this->totalPages; } /* 计算分页零时变量 */ $now_cool_page = $this->rollPage/2; $now_cool_page_ceil = ceil($now_cool_page); $this->lastSuffix && $this->config['last'] = $this->totalPages; //上一页 $up_row = $this->nowPage - 1; $up_page = $up_row > 0 ? '
  • ' : ''; //下一页 $down_row = $this->nowPage + 1; $down_page = ($down_row <= $this->totalPages) ? '
  • ' : ''; //第一页 $the_first = ''; if($this->totalPages > $this->rollPage && ($this->nowPage - $now_cool_page) >= 1){ $the_first = '
  • ' . $this->config['first'] . '
  • '; } //最后一页 $the_end = ''; if($this->totalPages > $this->rollPage && ($this->nowPage + $now_cool_page) < $this->totalPages){ $the_end = '
  • ' . $this->config['last'] . '
  • '; } //数字连接 $link_page = ""; for($i = 1; $i <= $this->rollPage; $i++){ if(($this->nowPage - $now_cool_page) <= 0 ){ $page = $i; }elseif(($this->nowPage + $now_cool_page - 1) >= $this->totalPages){ $page = $this->totalPages - $this->rollPage + $i; }else{ $page = $this->nowPage - $now_cool_page_ceil + $i; } if($page > 0 && $page != $this->nowPage){ if($page <= $this->totalPages){ $link_page .= '
  • ' . $page . '
  • '; }else{ break; } }else{ if($page > 0 && $this->totalPages != 1){ $link_page .= '
  • '.$page.'
  • '; } } } //替换分页内容 $page_str = str_replace( array('%HEADER%', '%NOW_PAGE%', '%UP_PAGE%', '%DOWN_PAGE%', '%FIRST%', '%LINK_PAGE%', '%END%', '%TOTAL_ROW%', '%TOTAL_PAGE%'), array($this->config['header'], $this->nowPage, $up_page, $down_page, $the_first, $link_page, $the_end, $this->totalRows, $this->totalPages), $this->config['theme']); return "
    "; } }


      public function all_news(){
        $Page=new \Think\Page($count,1);
        // 进行分页数据查询 注意limit方法的参数要使用Page类的属性

    3.html only requires



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