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File permission method when PHP is executed under Linux

2017-06-16 10:39:181611browse

The following editor will bring you an article to clarify the file permissions when PHP is executed under Linux. The editor thinks it’s pretty good, so I’ll share it with you now and give it as a reference. Let’s follow the editor to take a look.

1. File permissions and ownership

1. Files have three types of permissions. In order to facilitate the period , can be replaced by numbers, so that by adding and subtracting numbers, one number can be used to identify the permissions of this file. For example, 7=4+2+1 means that there are 3 permissions for reading, writing and executing, 6=4+ 2. It means there are read and write permissions but no execution permissions, etc.

#2. rbac permission management of Lenovo web application, etc. There is also user permission management under Linux, and users have users Name and user group. Generally, when a user is created, a group to which the user with the same name belongs will also be created.

First log in with the root account and create a new directory and a file

mkdir abc
touch abc.txt
ls -all

When you check it, you will find:

drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun 6 10:23 abc
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  0 Jun 6 10:23 abc.txt

First look at the blue part above. The first digit is the identifier. Remove the first digit and separate every three digits thereafter. Take the abc folder as an example: d | rws | r-x | r-x

So the abc folder indicates that owner owns rwx (7), group owns rx (5), and other owns rx (5).

Similarly, the red part in the file above is the name of the owner and the name of the group to which it belongs. That is, the owner of the abc folder is root and the group to which it belongs is root. At this time:

a. If the root user accesses the abc folder, it is equivalent to the owner and has 7 permissions.

b. If a new user name test user group is root. Accessing the abc folder is equivalent to group, with permissions of 5

c. If a new username test and the user group is test access the abc folder, it is equivalent to other, with permissions of 5

2. The role of each file permission

I originally wanted to test and explain, but it’s too troublesome, so let’s just tell you the results. You can create a new user yourself and then modify the permissions to test it yourself.

1. Directory

a. Enter the directory, that is, the cd command. The required permissions are execution permissions (x)

 b. View the files in the directory, i.e. ls command, the required permission is read permission (r)

 c. Create and delete folders/files in the directory, i.e. mkdir/touch naming, required The permission is write permission (w)

By the way, the directory only affects the next level, and does not affect generations. For example, a directory abc/sub/, if abc does not have w permission, but sub has w permission, You can create files in sub. Of course, abc also needs to have , will only be affected by sub.

Generally, our directories will be given 5 (rx) permissions, which are read and execute permissions. Only directories such as image uploading or caching that need to be created will be given 7 (rwx) permissions

2. File

a. The file can be opened with the cat/vim command. The required permission is read permission (r)

b. File modification can be opened and saved with the cat/vim command. The required permissions are write permissions (w)

c. File execution can be executed directly./abc.out etc., the required permissions are For execution permission (x)

What needs to be explained here is that PHP (or shell, etc.), whether it is command line execution or web execution, is called execution. It actually reads the file and parses it in the PHP kernel. , so as long as you have read permission (r).

Generally, our files will be given 4(r) permissions, which is read permissions. Only logs, caches, etc. that need to write content to the file will be given 6(rx) permissions

The reason why the 755, 777, and 644 permissions are not mentioned above, but only a single permission, is because the permissions of your website directory cannot be guaranteed to be related to the user used during execution, which means that the user during execution may be owner, it may be group or other

3. Permissions when executing PHP

We must have it when we connect to Linux via ssh You must have a username to log in. Similarly, if PHP wants to process PHP-related files, it must be operated under a certain user. Where is the user created or defined? It is usually created when the PHP environment is installed, for example. Environments such as apache and nginx will create users and user groups by default. This user is used when reading PHP. You can confirm by viewing the configuration file:

User www
Group www
user www www;

Or view the process by naming:

ps -ef|grep httpd
ps -ef|grep nginx
ps -ef|grep php-pfm

Taking apache as an example, it will display:

root   1663   1 0 09:14 ?    00:00:00 /www/wdlinux/apache/bin/httpd//主进程
www    1697 1663 0 09:14 ?    00:00:05 /www/wdlinux/apache/bin/httpd//子进程
www    1698 1663 0 09:14 ?    00:00:05 /www/wdlinux/apache/bin/httpd

The first line shows which user is executing it, mainly under non-root. The above description is that the www user is running the apache process to process php files.




drwxr-xr-x  2 www www 4096 Jun 6 10:23 system
drwxr-xr-x  2 www www 4096 Jun 6 10:23 tmp
-rw-r--r--  1 www www  0 Jun 6 10:23 index.php



drwxr-xr-x  2 test www 4096 Jun 6 10:23 system
drwxr-xr-x  2 test www 4096 Jun 6 10:23 tmp
-rw-r--r--  1 test www  0 Jun 6 10:23 index.php



drwxr-xr-x  2 test test 4096 Jun 6 10:23 system
drwxr-xr-x  2 test test 4096 Jun 6 10:23 tmp
-rw-r--r--  1 test test  0 Jun 6 10:23 index.php





The above is the detailed content of File permission method when PHP is executed under Linux. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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