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10 recommended articles about php touch() function

2017-06-11 17:26:331512browse


1. 有关滑动操作的课程推荐

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

简介:在实际的移动应用程序交互方式中,最常见的就是滑动操作。像左右滑动切换页面,手指张开来放大图片等,都是由滑动操作来完成的。微信小程序默认提供的相关事件如下:触摸相关操作事件tap对应点击操作,还提供了longtap来支持长按操作,这些都比较简单,就不多做讲述。touchmove对应滑动操作,通过bindtouchmove即可响应滑动操作。//wxml<view id="...

2. 微信开发入门(四)触控事件

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

简介:什么是事件  事件是视图层到逻辑层的通讯方式。  事件可以将用户的行为反馈到逻辑层进行处理。  事件可以绑定在组件上,当达到触发事件,就会执行逻辑层中对应的事件处理函数。  事件对象可以携带额外信息,如id, dataset, touches。

3. 分享一个利用H5实现下拉顶部放大的实例代码

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

简介:本文只提供设计思路,即js代码.完整代码,请下载demo设计思路: 1.监听整个下拉区域的touchstart事件,并记录下pageY和clientY值 2.监听整个区域的touchmove 事件,并判断是上移还是下移,以及滚动开始时,clientY和pageY是否相等,最后实现动画 3.当滑动停止的时候,头部视图变为原来的,图片恢复原样

4. 利用H5实现一个轮播器(触屏版)的实例教程

10 recommended articles about php touch() function


5. 小程序开发之基础篇滑动操作(10)

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

简介:微信小程序开发教程(基础篇)9事件 在实际的移动应用程序交互方式中,最常见的就是滑动操作。像左右滑动切换页面,手指张开来放大图片等,都是由滑动操作来完成的。 微信小程序默认提供的相关事件如下: tap对应点击操作,还提供了longtap来支持长按操作,这些都比较简单,就不多做讲述。touchmove对应滑动操作,通过bindtouchmove即可响应滑动操作。 当按住view标签并滑动鼠标...

6. 微信小程序开发之抽屉菜单实例详解

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

Introduction: Drawer menu is a common menu design method on apps. A typical drawer menu is as shown in the figure below. The following shows how to implement it based on WeChat applet. The final effect of the drawer menu is as shown below: The page contains a home page and a drawer menu page. In order to achieve the sliding effect, the page adopts absolute layout. The code is as follows index.wxml index.wxss The program binds the touch event and tap event of the home page, and Using catchtouchmove prevents the delivery of move events, because in a real machine environment the page will automatically respond to the slide...

7. HTML5 main touch events (touchstart, touchmove and touchend)

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

Introduction: Many new events have been added to HTML5, but due to their compatibility issues they are not very In fact, the application is not very practical, so I will basically omit it here. We will only share the events where the application is widely compatible and good. We will continue to add sharing in the future as the compatibility situation improves. The events introduced to you today are mainly touch events: touchstart, touchmove and touchend.

8. Use js to implement div dragging effect example (compatible with PC and mobile terminals)

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

Introduction: I wrote a simple div dragging effect some time ago. Unexpectedly, I needed a similar requirement for the project yesterday, so I just used it, but on the mobile side But I encountered a problem. The three events used during dragging: mousedown, mousemove, and mouseup have no effect on the mobile terminal. After all, the mobile terminal does not have a mouse. After checking the information, it was found that the corresponding ones on the mobile terminal are: touchstart

9. html5 Details of mobile phone touch screen touch events Introduction

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

Introduction: Many new events have been added to HTML5, but due to their compatibility issues they are not ideal. , the application is not very practical, so it is basically omitted here. We only share the events where the application is widely compatible and good. We will continue to add and share in the future as the compatibility situation improves.

10. HTML5 Practice-Detailed explanation of how to use css3 to enrich image styles (2)

10 recommended articles about php touch() function

Introduction: I introduced how to add background-image packaging to pictures, and use box-shadow and border-radius to set various styles for pictures. Friends who are interested can go back and read. But recently I encountered a problem when designing the PhotoTouch theme. The background-image size cannot be adjusted, which is not ideal for responsive design. Today we will try to solve the problem.

[Related Q&A recommendations]:

javascript - Mobile touch time issue

##javascript - Xiaobai, please tell me how to change all mouse events in JQuery to touch events (the code is below). The mouse event cannot be used on the mobile phone?

ios - target listens for button clicks, but there is no response.

javascript - The touchstart event is bound to the page. Chrome pops up a warning that I can’t understand. Please help.

touchend - How to solve the problem on ios What's the problem with overlapping elements in html5 web pages?

The above is the detailed content of 10 recommended articles about php touch() function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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