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PHP comparison function example usage summary

2017-06-11 11:12:021636browse

In PHP, there are many ways to compare strings. The first is to use the strcmp() function and strcasecmp() function to compare by bytes. The second is to use the strnatcmp() function to compare according to nature. The third method is to use the strncmp() function to specify the comparison starting from the position of the source string. Below is an in-depth explanation of these methods. 1. Compare strings based on bytes. There are two methods for comparing strings based on bytes, namely using the strcmp() function and strcasecmp() function. The difference between these two functions is that the strcmp() function distinguishes the case of characters, while the strcasecmp() function does not distinguish the case of characters. Since the implementation methods of these two functions are basically the same, here we only introduce the strcmp() function. The strcmp() function is used to compare two strings by bytes. The syntax format is as follows: strcmp(string1, s

1. Detailed explanation of PHP string comparison function

PHP comparison function example usage summary

Introduction: In PHP, there are many ways to compare strings. The first is to use the srtcmp() function and strcasecmp() function to compare by bytes. The second is to use the srtcmp() function and strcasecmp() function to compare by bytes. The strnatcmp() function is used to compare according to the natural sorting method. The third is to use the strncmp() function to specify the comparison starting from the position of the source string. PHP similar_text String similarity comparison function

##Introduction: PHP finds the similarity of two strings How to use similar_text () functionPHP comparison function example usage summary

3. Commonly used string comparison functions in php

Introduction: Commonly used string comparison functions in phpPHP comparison function example usage summary

4. Analysis of the comparison principle of Python’s built-in comparison function cmp

Introduction: Analysis of the comparison principle of Python’s built-in comparison function cmpPHP comparison function example usage summary

5. php version comparison function version_compare()

##Introduction: Compare php versions in php, Generally use the version_compare() functionPHP comparison function example usage summary


Analysis of Python’s built-in comparison function cmp comparison principle

Introduction: Analysis of the comparison principle of Python's built-in comparison function cmpPHP comparison function example usage summary


PHP version comparison function version_compare() function

## Introduction:: This article mainly introduces the PHP version comparison function version_compare() function. Students who are interested in PHP tutorials can refer to it. 8.

similar PHP similar_text String similarity comparison function

Introduction: similar:similar PHP similar_text String similarity comparison function : PHP provides a rarely used similar_text function, but this function is very useful for comparing two strings and returning the percentage of similarity. The following is how to use the similar_text () function: Copy the code The code is as follows: similar_text($ string1, $string2, $percent); //After using this function, we get the similarity percentage of the two strings just compared from the variable $percent9.

Introduction to the usage of PHP string comparison functions strcmp() and strcasecmp()

Introduction: Introduction to the usage of PHP string comparison functions strcmp() and strcasecmp()

10. php time comparison function, returns the difference between two dates Seconds, minutes, hours or days

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