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Recommended articles about php error_log() function

2017-06-11 10:17:491563browse

Mysql has 4 types of logs: Error Log, General Query Log, Binary Log and Slow Query Log** 1. Error Log records Error, Warning, Note and other information during the operation of Mysql, system errors or certain records If something goes wrong, you can check the Error log. Mysql's error log is stored in the Mysql log directory as hostname.err by default. It can be viewed through the following statement: mysql> show variables like "log_error"; +---------------+----------------+ | Variable_name | Value ; &nbs

1. #Introduction: Mysql has 4 types of logs: Error Log, General Query Log, Binary Log and Slow Query Log** 1. Error Log records Error, Warning, Note and other information during the operation of Mysql. If there is a system error or there is a problem with a certain record, you can check the Error log. Mysql's error log is stored in the Mysql log directory as hostname.err by default. You can view it through the following statement:...

2. Recommended articles about php error_log() functionError mechanism for PHP5.5.32 version Summary

Introduction: What we often confuse is the log problem, and why certain levels of logs are not available Record to log. The most important thing is to look at the three configurations of error_log, display_errors, and log_errors. But when looking at the configuration, we also need to pay attention to distinguishing what is the configuration in php.ini and what is the configuration in php-fpm.ini.

3. Recommended articles about php error_log() functionApache environment, localhost has been loading, but can be accessed normally

Introduction: Apache environment localhost:82 Problem: When the browser enters localhost:82, there is no response (everything was normal yesterday), but can be accessed. Situation: 1. The error log is as follows apache error.log httpd.conf The red pen is where I am The changed local hosts file is as follows:

4. php pthreads When using mutex, the CLI has stop

Introduction: When PTHREADS uses mutex to lock, the cli crashes (WIN7) Code: {code...} If you can tell me where the php system log is (similar to APACHE's error.log). To add: According to the official PTHREADS, it is thread-safe. In theory, thread-safety itself...

5. php apache uses cors to achieve cross-domain

#Introduction: apaceh configuration: ServerAdmin xxx@qq.com DocumentRoot "C: /htdocs/demo" ServerName dev.dd.cn ##ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host.localhost-error.log" ...

6. laravel customization Error page and error log processingRecommended articles about php error_log() function

Introduction:: This article mainly introduces laravel custom error page and error log processing. Students who are interested in PHP tutorials can refer to it. .

7. Why the PHP-FPM error log does not display under Nginx

Introduction: I configured it under Ubuntu LNMP environment, in which Nginx is configured with error logs and access logs, everything is normal. At the same time, PHP-FPM configures error_log in pool/www.conf. {Code...} At the same time, I print phpinfo(); as shown below: But my php-error.log has no error date...

8. Use nginx reverse proxy tomcat service

Introduction:: Use nginx reverse proxy tomcat service: Use nginx reverse proxy tomcat service This experiment requires nginx service and tomcat service {I will not talk about how to install them specifically} environment: 1. centos6.5 2. Turn off iptables and selinux 3. Start all services. Idea: Specify the corresponding service in the nginx configuration file. nginx.conf configuration content: #user nobody; worker_processes 2;#error_log logs/error.lo

9. nginx/146 The configured virtual host access prompt "File not found" c9 mainland not found file 404 not found 404 not found repair

Introduction: file not found: nginx/146 The configured virtual host access prompts "File not found": check the log tail /var/log/nginx/error .log, prompting "primary script unknown while reading response header from upstream" Check the configuration file part of the virtual host as follows: location ~ .php { #fastcgi_pass remote_php_ip:9000; fastcgi_pass uni

10. nginx ignore faviconico log favicon.ico 404 online favicon favicon 1 htm disease

Recommended articles about php error_log() function

Introduction: favicon,iconic: nginx ignores the faviconico log: Description: favicon.ico takes up a lot of information in the nginx error_log log, covering the logs we really need to view. So here, we turn it off via log_not_found off. Implementation: //Put the following configuration into the server {} block and turn off logging when favicon.ico does not exist location =/favicon.ico { log_not_found off; access_log off; } //log_no

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