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10 recommended articles about php array_unique() function

2017-06-10 14:05:121675browse

Our last article talked about "How to delete the head, tail, and any element in a PHP array." In this article, we talk about deleting duplicate elements in the array through the array_unique() function. The array_unique() function sorts the values ​​of the array elements as strings, and then only retains the first key name for each value and ignores all subsequent key names, which is to delete duplicate elements in the array. The syntax format is as follows: array arry_unique( array array) The parameter array is the input array. The following example uses the array_unique() function to delete duplicate elements in the array. The specific example code is as follows:

1. How to delete duplicate elements in a PHP array

10 recommended articles about php array_unique() function

Introduction: array_unique() function, sorts the values ​​of the array elements as strings, and then retains only the first key for each value name, ignoring all subsequent key names, which is to delete duplicate elements in the array,

2. php array function sequence array_unique() - remove duplicate element values ​​​​in the array

10 recommended articles about php array_unique() function

Introduction: The array_unique() function removes duplicate values ​​from the array and returns the result array. When the values ​​of several array elements are equal, only the first element is retained, and the other elements are deleted.

3. Fast implementation of PHP array deduplication#.

10 recommended articles about php array_unique() function

## Introduction: Using PHP’s array_unique() function allows you to pass an array and then remove duplicate values , returns an array with unique values. Through this article, I will introduce to you a faster implementation of PHP array deduplication. Friends who need it can refer to this article

4. php array_flip( ) Delete duplicate elements from an array

10 recommended articles about php array_unique() function

## Introduction: In PHP, there is a method for deleting duplicate elements from an array The available function is array_unique(), but it is not the most efficient method. Using the array_flip() function will be about five times faster than array_unique()

##. #5.

php array function sequence array_unique() - remove duplicate element values ​​in the array

10 recommended articles about php array_unique() functionIntroduction: The array_unique() function removes duplicate values ​​from the array and returns the result array. When the values ​​of several array elements are equal, only the first element is retained and the other elements are deleted.


php uses the array_flip() function to delete duplicate elements in the array

10 recommended articles about php array_unique() functionIntroduction: Summary: In PHP, there is an available function to delete duplicate elements in an array, that is array_unique(), but it is not the most efficient method. Using the array_flip() function will be faster than array_unique() About five times higher. ...


php prevents duplication of arrays, usage of key value, usage of splicing and splitting

简介:foreach($a as $key=>$val){//key 为数组$a 下标 $val为$a的值 $val = array_unique($val);//这个是防止数组$val重复的 $insertDate = array(//设置新的数组 'ini_id' => $key,//数组下标'i ...

8. 从PHP源码剖析array_keys和array_unique


9. PHP中array_keys和array_unique函数源码的分析


10. php 两个数组函数自我理解 php声明数组 php创建数组 php数组序列

简介:数组函数,php:php 两个数组函数自我理解:PHP array_unique() 函数移除数组中重复的:"red","b"=>"green","c"=>"red"); print_r(array_unique($a)); ?>array_unique() 函数移除数组中的重复的,并返回结果数组。当几个数组元素的相等时,只保留第一个元素,其他的元素被删除。返回的数组中键名不变。注释:被保留的数组将保持第


数组去重 - PHP多维数组删除问题

The above is the detailed content of 10 recommended articles about php array_unique() function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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