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10 recommended articles about the php array_shift() function

2017-06-10 13:53:591215browse

What is the function of php array_shift() function? The array_shift() function in php deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element. This article introduces the usage and definition of the php array_shift() function in detail. If you are interested, you can take a look. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Definition and Usage The array_shift() function deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element, or NULL if the array is empty. . If the key name is numeric, all elements will get new key names, starting from 0 and increasing by 1 (refer to the code in Example 2 below), and the literal key values ​​will remain unchanged. Syntax array_shift(array) parameter array is the specified array and must be specified. Example 1 uses the php array_shift() function to delete the first element in the $stack array and return the deleted element. 1. Detailed explanation of the php array_shift() function: deleting the first element in the array Introduction: What is the role of the php array_shift() function? &

1. Some introduction to PHP array functions

10 recommended articles about the php array_shift() function

##Introduction: What is the function of php array_shift() function? The array_shift() function in php deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element. This article introduces the usage and definition of the php array_shift() function in detail. If you are interested, you can take a look. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Definition and Usage The array_shift() function deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element, or NULL if the array is empty. . If the key name is numeric, all elements will get new...

2. Details about array_shift

10 recommended articles about the php array_shift() function

#Introduction: What is the role of the php array_shift() function? The array_shift() function in php deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element. This article introduces the usage and definition of the php array_shift() function in detail. If you are interested, you can take a look. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Definition and Usage The array_shift() function deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element, or NULL if the array is empty. .

3. Detailed explanation of php array_shift() function: delete the first element in the array

10 recommended articles about the php array_shift() function

Introduction: What is the function of php array_shift() function? The array_shift() function in php deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element. This article introduces the usage and definition of the php array_shift() function in detail. If you are interested, you can take a look. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

4. Detailed explanation of usage examples of array_push(), array_pop() and array_shift() functions in php

10 recommended articles about the php array_shift() function

Introduction: The php array_push function adds one or more elements (push) to the end of the array of the first parameter, and then returns the length of the new array. The array_pop() function removes the last element from an array. The array_shift() function deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element. This article will introduce these three functions to you respectively, hoping to help you learn array functions.

5. How to improve work efficiency Analysis of strange PHP reference efficiency issues

Introduction: How to improve work efficiency: How to improve work efficiency Analysis of strange PHP reference efficiency issues: The function is as follows: Copy the code The code is as follows: function update_timelist(&$arr,$timestamp,$threshold){ $timequeue = &$arr['timequeue']; while(!empty ($timequeue[0])&&($timestamp-$timequeue[0])>$threshold){ array_shift($timequeue);

6. vb.net Array PHP uses arrays to implement queues

Introduction: vb.net array: vb.net array PHP uses arrays to implement queues: PHP treats arrays as a stack, mainly using the two system functions array_push() and array_pop(). Pushing onto the stack mainly uses the array_push() function to add one or more elements to the end of the array of the first parameter, and then returns the length of the new array. The example is as follows: In PHP, when treating an array as a queue, it mainly uses array_push( ) and array_shift() implementation. Copy the code as follows:

7. International Trade Practice Case Analysis Examples of Commonly Used Array Processing Methods in PHP Analysis

Introduction: International trade practice case analysis: International trade practice case analysis Example analysis of commonly used array processing methods in PHP: 1.array_shift() changes the first unit of the array Move out and return, which is convenient for sometimes the first unit of the array needs to be processed separately. Copy the code as follows: 2. array_chunk() splits an array into multiple arrays

8. Instance analysis of commonly used array processing methods in PHP_PHP tutorial

Introduction: Example analysis of commonly used array processing methods in PHP. 1.array_shift() moves the first unit of the array out and then returns it. This is very convenient for sometimes the first unit of the array needs to be processed separately. Copy the code as follows: ? $tmparray = array("1",

9. Analysis of Strange PHP Reference Efficiency Issues_PHP Tutorial

Introduction: Analysis of strange PHP reference efficiency issues. The function is as follows: Copy the code as follows: function update_timelist($arr['timequeue']; while(!empty($timequeue[0])($timestamp) -$timequeue[0])$threshold){ array_shift($timequeue); } a

10. Introduction to the usage of PHP function array_shift() in deleting array elements_PHP Tutorial

##Introduction: Introduction to the use of the PHP function array_shift() in deleting array elements. We have described deleting array elements at the end of the array in our previous article. The specific usage of the function array_pop(), what we introduce to you today is to delete the number at the beginning of the array

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The above is the detailed content of 10 recommended articles about the php array_shift() function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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