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PHP uses curl to create a simple Baidu search

2016-12-23 15:36:511347browse

In the past few days, I have studied the curl library in php and made a simple Baidu search. First, enter the code

PHP uses curl to create a simple Baidu search
(.*?)<\/a><\/h3>/s'; preg_match_all($pre,$data,$match); foreach ($match[1] as $k => $v) { ?>

After analyzing the URLs in Baidu searches, I found a pattern

https://www.baidu. com/s?wd=Search keyword

But I found that after using the https protocol, I could not obtain the data on Baidu, so I changed it to http://www.baidu.com?wd=Search keyword!!

The rendering is as follows:

PHP uses curl to create a simple Baidu search

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