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Mysql-php failed to connect to the database, what is the reason?

2016-12-05 13:27:241181browse

mysqlserverphp database sql

MySQL server error report:Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => MySQL Query Error ) [1] => Array ( [sql] => INSERT INTO s591496db0 .kongbao_sessions (sesskey, expiry, ip, data) VALUES ('370e9a6a5ceb358cf340603ca51ed2c8', '1480581805', '', 'a:0:{}') ) [2] => Array ( [error] => Table 's591496db0.kongbao_sessions' doesn't exist ) [3] => Array ( [errno] => 1146 ) )

Reply content:

s591496db0.kongbao_sessions Check the table name.

The table you want to insert does not exist

Can you send out your source code

[error] => Table 's591496db0.kongbao_sessions' doesn't exist

Already answered above, the table does not exist

In detail, it should be that the kongbao_sessions field of the database’s s591496db0 table does not exist

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