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php unserialize function error, very strange?

2016-09-11 11:34:161207browse

$test_str = "code|s:5:\"ZH9JC\";state|s:10:\"wn4rzbnxpp\";";

This is the code, simple string, but still error. . .

php unserialize function error, very strange?

Reply content:

$test_str = "code|s:5:\"ZH9JC\";state|s:10:\"wn4rzbnxpp\";";

This is the code, simple string, but still error. . .

php unserialize function error, very strange?

Is the serialized $test_str an array? Obviously not after serialization. If so, serialization is not like this, as follows:

$arr = array(
            'code' => 'ZH9JC',
            'state' => 'wn4rzbnxpp'

$str = serialize($arr);
// string(59) "a:2:{s:4:"code";s:5:"ZH9JC";s:5:"state";s:10:"wn4rzbnxpp";}"
$content = unserialize($str);
array(2) {
  ["code"] => string(5) "ZH9JC"
  ["state"] => string(10) "wn4rzbnxpp"

Your string is not a standard serialized value. The unserialize function cannot recognize your character replacement, so it is wrong

$test_str is definitely the result of serialize?

This is not serialization...the format is wrong

It is not serialized, so it cannot be transferred

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