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PHP basic study notes (4)

2016-08-08 09:28:23844browse

Introduction to Arrays

Concept: It is a collection of several data put together in a certain order, which is called an "array" as a whole. An array is an ordered collection of data.

Definition form:

var  arr1 = new Array(1,  5,  8,  7,  2,  10);    //定义了一个数组,其中具有6个数据
    var  arr2 = new Array();        //只是单纯地定义了一个数组(名),但没有给值(数据),即现在是空的
    var  arr3 = [1,  5,  8,  7,  2,  10];    //同arr1,只是一种简写的定义法。
    var  arr4 = [ ];        //同arr2,也是一个空数组。

The use of arrays: The so-called use actually refers to the use of each item of the array.


    var  v1 = arr1[0];    //取得数组arr1中的第一项,0叫做下标
        var  v2 = arr3[3] + 10;    //取得数组arr3中的第4项,4叫做下标


                                                                              arr1[0] = 10;

arr2[0]  = 22;
        arr2[1]  = 33.3;
        arr2[2]  = “444”;
        arr2[3]  = “abc”;
        arr2[4]  = true;

//At this time, the array arr2 is equivalent to this: [ 22, 33.3, “444”, “abc”, true ]

The "visual image" of the array (taking arr3 as an example):

下标值:    0    1    2    3    4    5
数据值:    1    5    8    7    2    10

The syntax to obtain the length of an array - that is, the number of data in it is:

var v1 = array name.length;

的 Special attention: The maximum bidding of the array is the length of the array decreased by 1.

Usual pattern for array traversal:

var len = array name.length;

for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)


                    //Here is the processing of each item of the array, the writing method of each item is: Array name [i]


Another form of array traversal - for in loop statement.

for( var v1 in array name arr1 )


                      //Here is the loop body, which is a traversal loop specifically for the array arr1, where the value of v1 is the subscript value representing each item of the array.

                         // v1 is just a "temporary variable", representing each subscript, which will change from 0 to the maximum subscript of the array.


"two-dimensional" array:

var  v1 = [2, 5, 1, 5];
var  v2 = [5, 1, 6, 8];
var  v3 = [8, 0, 9, 7];
var  v4 = [v1,  v2,  v3];
var  v5 = [  
[2, 5, 1, 5], 
[5, 1, 6, 8], 
[8, 0, 9, 7]

——There is actually no difference between v4 and v5. Both of them can be called "two-dimensional arrays".

Operations on "two-dimensional" array elements:


V VAR S1 = v5 [0] [1]; // 5 // Equivalent to get the second item of the first item of the V5 array (this is still an array).

                    var s2 = v5[2][3] + 100;       //107


                   v5[0][1] = 200;

                   v5[2][3] = 300;

Common methods of array objects:

What is a method: A method is actually a function! ——Just if a function "belongs to" an "object", then the function is called a method of the object.

function maibao(){
var myDreamGirl = { 
name: “小花”, 
nengli1: function (){ document.write(“洗衣!”); } ,
nengli2: function (){ document.write(“做饭!”); } ,
nengli3: maibao
var  v1 = [2, 5, 1, 5];
var  v2 = [5, 1, 6, 8];

Strictly speaking, an array is also an object - even strings are objects.

v1 as an object has properties and methods:




On A certain array.concat (other array): connect two arrays into a new "longer" array.

                var s1 = v1.concat( v2 ); //At this time, s1 is an array like this: [2, 5, 1, 5, 5, 1, 6, 8];


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                An array.join ("string"): "Concatenate" all the items in the array with the specified characters to become a "long" string.

          var s2 = v1.join(“//”); //The result s2 is the string “2//5//1//5”


                   某数组.pop();           //将该数组的最后一项“移除”(删除),并返回该项数据,即该数组少了一项

                   var  s3 = v1.pop();           //结果v1只剩这个:[2,5,1]; s3的值是5

                   某数组.push(新数据项d1);  //将新的数据d1添加到该数组的最后位置,即数组多了一项。

                   var  s4 = v1.push( 55 );          //v1此时为:[2,5,1, 55],  s4的值为新数组的长度,即4

                   某数组.shift();                   //将该数组的第一项“移除”(删除),并返回该项数据,即该数组少了一项

                   var  s5 = v1.shift();                   //结果v1只剩这个:[5, 1,55]; s5的值是2


                   某数组.unshift(新数据项d1);  //将新的数据d1添加到该数组的最前位置,即数组多了一项。

                   var  v6 = v1.unshift( 66 );       //v1此时为:[66, 5, 1, 55],  s6的值为新数组的长度,即4



var str1 = new String(“abcdefgabc”);    //这是一个“字符串对象”
    var str2 = “abcdefgabc”;                //这个字符串跟前面str1几乎没有区别
1.    str1.charAt( n );    ——获得字符串str1中位置为n的那个字符(字符的位置也是从0开始算起)var s1 = str1.charAt( 3 );        //s1的结果是:”d”
2.    str1.toUpperCase();    ——获取str1全部转换为大写的结果
var s2 = str1.toUpperCase();    //s2的结果是:”ABCDEFGABC”
3.    str1.toLowerCase();    ——获取str1全部转换为小写的结果
var s3 = str1.toLowerCase();    //s3的结果是:”abcdefgabc”
4.    str1.replace(“字符1”, “字符2”);    ——将str1中的“字符1”替换为“字符2”
var s4 = str1.replace(“cd”, “999”);    //s4的结果是:”ab999efgabc”
5.    str1.indexOf(“字符1”); ——获得“字符1”在str1中第一次出现的位置,如果没有出现,结果是-1
var s5 = str1.indexOf(“ab”);        //s5的结果是0
6.    str1.lastIndexOf(““字符1”); ——获得“字符1”在str1中最后一次出现的位置,如果没有出现,结果是-1
var s6 = str1.lastIndexOf(“ab”);        //s6的结果是7
7.    str1.substr(n, m )    ——取得str1中从位置n开始的m个字符,m可以省略,则表示从位置n一直取到字符串的最后——注意,这种“取”并不影响str1这个原始字符
var s7 = str1.substr(2, 4);    //s7为:”cdef”
8.    str1.substring( n, m )——取得str1中从位置n到位置m的前一个字符。
var s8 = str1.substring(2, 4);    //s8为:”cd”
9.    str1.split(“字符1”)    ——将str1以指定的“字符1”为分界,分割成一个数组,结果是一个数组
var s9 = str1.split(“b”);    //s9的结果是一个数组:[“a”, “cdefga”, “c”]







1.    Math.max(数值1,数值2,…..) ——求得若干个数值中的最大值。
2.    Math.min(数值1,数值2,…..)     ——求得若干个数值中的最小值。
3.    Math.abs( 数值1)     ——求得数值1的绝对值
4.    Math.pow( x,y)        ——求得数值x的y次方,也就是“幂运算”
5.    Math.sqrt( x )            ——求得x的开方
6.    Math.round( x )         ——求得x的四舍五入的结果值;
7.    Math.floor( x )            ——求得x的向下取整的结果,即找到不大于x的一个最大的整数。
a)    Math.floor( 3.1 ) ? 3
b)    Math.floor( 3.8 ) ? 3
c)    Math.floor( 3 ) ? 3
d)    Math.floor( -3.1 ) ? -4
e)    Math.floor( -3.8 ) ? -4
8.    Math.ceil( x )             ——求得x的向上取整的结果,即找到不小于x的一个最小的整数
a)    Math.floor( 3.1 ) ? 4
b)    Math.floor( 3.8 ) ? 4
c)    Math.floor( 3 ) ? 3
d)    Math.floor( -3.1 ) ? -3
e)    Math.floor( -3.8 ) ? -3
9.    Math.random()        ——获得一个0~1范围中的随机“小数”,含0,但不含1

    var v1 = Math.random()
    v1 = v1 * (n2-n1+1);
    v1 = Math.floor( v1 ) + n1;    //此时v1就是结果
    var v1 = Math.floor( Math.random() * (n2-n1+1) ) + n1


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