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About laravel - Error executing php artisan make:model

2017-03-20 16:43:362105browse


After executing php artisan make:model Article

Command "make:model" is not defined.

and then executing php artisan, I found that there is only one line

  make:migration    Create a new migration file

under the make command line. What should I do?


There is a problem when updating dependencies. There are various reasons. It may be that you manually or some network problems cause the update script process to terminate, or it may be a mirroring problem, etc. We use laravel in 7 or 8 sub-projects. This problem occasionally occurs. It is basically caused by improper operations. I have also helped solve it many times
_(:з ∠)_

When solving it, First use composer clearcache to clear the package and warehouse cache, and then use composer update. If it doesn't work, delete the vendor directory and reinstall it.

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