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WAMP Server helps you quickly build a PHP integrated environment on Windows---A Dong's column

2016-07-29 09:14:591423browse

WAMP Server helps you quickly build a PHP integrated environment on Windows

I think students who have been online for a few days will know PHP. The new version of the different dimension is WordPress based on PHP It is created by programs, and most domestic forums are based on PHP. As far as I know, many students want to try to learn PHP, but they have no choice but to install and build a PHP environment under Windows to learn. For novice students, it is cumbersome enough to make more than half of them give up. After all, Apache+PHP+ MySQL These three programs are more troublesome to configure. For novices, it is really confusing to figure out those configurations. Therefore, the fool-proof integrated WAMP program (Windows+Apache+PHP+MySQL) has come out. This kind of software can save lazy and novice friends from the trouble of installing and configuring multiple server software, allowing students to invest faster Go to the development and learning of the PHP language itself.

There are many WAMP-like software, and they are basically free, such as XAMPP etc. What we want to introduce to you today is-WAMP Server, that’s right! It's called WAMP!

Literacy, literacy! What is LAMP (WAMP)?

LAMP is an abbreviation, which refers to a group of well-known free and open source software that are often used together to run dynamic websites or servers, including: Linux operating system; Apache web server; MySQL database management System (or database server); PHP and sometimes Perl or Python scripting languages. The word LAMP is formed by taking the first letters of their respective names. Similarly, using these software combinations under the Windows operating system is called WAMP.

Although these open source programs themselves are not specifically designed to work with several other programs, because they are all high-impact open source software used to build Web servers, this results in these components often Use together. Over the past few years, the compatibility of these components has continued to improve, and their use together has become more common. And they have created certain extensions to improve collaboration between different components. Currently, these products are included by default in almost all Linux distributions. Linux operating system, Apache server, MySQL database and Perl, PHP or Python language, these products together form a powerful web application platform.

The latest WAMP Server includes: Apache 2.2.11 / MySQL 5.1.33 / PHP 5.2.9-2, its configuration is super easy, are you excited? Okay, let’s get started! !

Double-click the downloaded file (available under the download address), and the installation interface will appear, telling you to uninstall the old version of WAMP and then install the new version

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Select "Yes" to start the installation, then click Next and select the installation directory. It is recommended to use the default address

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Choose the installation directory and click next to continue. The next step is the shortcut icon, domain name, etc. I won’t go into more details about this. Just click next. At the end of the installation, the option explorer will appear. prompt, locate %windir%explorer.exe

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

After the installation is complete, the icon

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

will appear and run it. At this time, a white icon with a bit of red will appear in the tray, but the default is Birdsong. Don't worry, this is available in multiple languages. Right-click the tray icon-language-Chinese to change to the Chinese version

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

It will switch to Simplified Chinese. Click that icon to start all services

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

The icon will turn white.

Attachment: If Apache cannot be started, please exit the software occupying port 80 first, start the workstation and DNS Client services, and install the Microsoft network client for the network protocol. If it still cannot be started, go to your connection name-properties-network- Internet Protocol-Properties-Advanced-WINS-Import LMHOSTS—Your Apachehttpd.exe address (usually wampbinApachebinhttpd.exe) is fine

(According to the experience of X-Force, Thunder, eDonkey, QQ Music and other programs will occupy port 80)

Then select PHPmyAdmin (a web version of the program used to manage MySQL database)

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Click to add a new user, we will add a database user

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

According to my settings, the username and password are arbitrary, mine is 123 123. At this time, we can install some commonly used PHP programs on this machine to play with, such as WordPress being used in another dimension, or a Discuz forum. Now let's take discuz as an example and try it out. Before installing Discuz, we need to set up a little. Php-php settings - check short open tag

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Download Discuz, unzip it, and put all the files in the upload folder of discuz. Copy the file to the www directory of wamp, and access http://localhost/upload/install/index.php in the browser. The discuz installation interface will appear. Click I Agree-Detection Passed, and the following will appear:

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

The database username and password are set as above. The following is the Discuz administrator username and password. Click "Complete and proceed to next step". The installation completion interface will appear, ready! We have successfully established our own forum on Windows. The overall steps are very simple.

 X-Force supplement: Although newbies may not understand what everything in it is and what it does, we can at least set up a forum through WAMP. It’s good to slowly and deeply learn after having a sense of accomplishment. X-Force also built PJBlog, WordPress, etc. from the local machine, and then slowly learned to change the code. Later, the different dimensions that everyone is watching were created. , Haha ~ No matter what, WAMP software is of great significance to lazy people and beginners. At least, for beginners, it can pave the way to get started.

Additionally add some WAMP applications: In addition to learning PHP development, you can also build a WordPress on this machine to write your own private diary, build a private/LAN forum or blogto be used as a data repository, and create Test websites for tossing, such as blog specially used to test WordPress plug-ins and skins, or test any PHP website program...

File details: WAMP server
Software version: 2.0h Multi-language version (including simplified Chinese) )
File format: EXE executable file
File size: 16 MB
Release date: 2009.6.15
Decompression password: www.iplaysoft.com
Official website: http://www.wampserver.com
File release: Different Dimension

Download address: WAMP Server | From another dimension

LAMP is an abbreviation, which refers to a group of well-known free and open source software that are usually used together to run dynamic websites or servers, including: Linux operations System; Apacheweb server; MySQL database management system (or database server); PHP and sometimes Perl or Python scripting languages. The word LAMP is formed by taking the first letters of their respective names. Similarly, using these software combinations under the Windows operating system is called WAMP.

Although these open source programs themselves are not specifically designed to work with several other programs, since they are all high-impact open source software used to build Web servers, this results in these components often working together. used together. Over the past few years, the compatibility of these components has continued to improve, and their use together has become more common. And they have created certain extensions to improve collaboration between different components. Currently, these products are included by default in almost all Linux distributions. Linux operating system, Apache server, MySQL database and Perl, PHP or Python language, these products together form a powerful web application platform.

The latest WAMP Server includes: Apache 2.2.11 / MySQL 5.1.33 / PHP 5.2.9-2, its configuration is super easy, are you excited? Okay, let’s get started! !

Double-click the downloaded file (available under the download address), and the installation interface will appear, telling you to uninstall the old version of WAMP and then install the new version

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Select "Yes" to start the installation, then click Next and select the installation directory. It is recommended to use the default address

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Choose the installation directory and click next to continue. The next step is the shortcut icon, domain name, etc. I won’t go into more details about this. Just click next. At the end of the installation, the option explorer will appear. prompt, locate %windir%explorer.exe

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

After the installation is complete, the icon

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

will appear and run it. At this time, a white icon with a bit of red will appear in the tray, but the default is Birdsong. Don't worry, this is available in multiple languages. Right-click the tray icon-language-Chinese to change to the Chinese version

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

It will switch to Simplified Chinese. Click that icon to start all services

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

The icon will turn white.

Attachment: If Apache cannot be started, please exit the software occupying port 80 first, start the workstation and DNS Client services, and install the Microsoft network client for the network protocol. If it still cannot be started, go to your connection name-properties-network -Internet Protocol-Properties-Advanced-WINS-Import LMHOSTS—Your Apachehttpd.exe address (usually wampbinApachebinhttpd.exe) is fine

(According to X-Force’s experience, Thunder, eMule , QQ Music and other programs will occupy port 80)

Then select PHPmyAdmin (a web version of the program used to manage MySQL database)

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Click Add New User, we add a database user

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

According to my settings, the username and password are arbitrary, mine is 123 123. At this time, we can install some commonly used PHP programs on this machine to play with, such as WordPress being used in another dimension, or a Discuz forum. Now let's take discuz as an example and try it out. Before installing Discuz, we need to set up a little. Php-php settings - check short open tag

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

Download Discuz, unzip it, and put all the files in the upload folder of discuz. Copy the file to the www directory of wamp, and access http://localhost/upload/install/index.php in the browser. The discuz installation interface will appear. Click I Agree-Detection Passed, and the following will appear:

WAMP Server助你在Windows上快速搭建PHP集成环境---阿冬专栏

The database username and password are set as above. The following is the Discuz administrator username and password. Click "Complete and proceed to next step". The installation completion interface will appear, ready! We have successfully established our own forum on Windows. The overall steps are very simple.

 X-Force supplement: Although newbies may not understand what everything in it is and what it does, we can at least set up a forum through WAMP. It’s good to slowly and deeply learn after having a sense of accomplishment. X-Force also built PJBlog, WordPress, etc. from the local machine, and then slowly learned to change the code. Later, the different dimensions that everyone is watching were created. , Haha ~ No matter what, WAMP software is of great significance to lazy people and beginners. At least, for beginners, it can pave the way to get started.

Additionally add some WAMP applications: In addition to learning PHP development, you can also build a WordPress on this machine to write your own private diary, build a private/LAN forum or blogto be used as a data repository, and create Test websites for tossing, such as blog specially used to test WordPress plug-ins and skins, or test any PHP website program...

File details: WAMP server
Software version: 2.0h Multi-language version (including simplified Chinese) )
File format: EXE executable file
File size: 16 MB
Release date: 2009.6.15
Decompression password: www.iplaysoft.com
Official website: http://www.wampserver.com
File release: Different Dimension

Download address: WAMP Server | From another dimension

The above introduces WAMP Server to help you quickly build a PHP integrated environment on Windows---A Dong's column, including the relevant content, I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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