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Are you a software engineer?

2016-07-29 09:03:21997browse

Are you a software engineer? If you make a living by writing programs, then you have the opportunity to call yourself a "software engineer". But it's possible that you can't. In my case, I graduated with an engineering (software systems) degree and am proud to call myself one. However, it was only after many years of "writing code" that I understood that calling myself an engineer was something that was not something that came from college, but was something that had to be earned. How many "software engineers" can be said to be in the same category as Archimedes, Henry Ford or Nikola Tesla? To put our perspective a little lower, how many people can say that they make products that are at least 10 years old? Year? Or 5 years? Or maybe 5 months?
Don’t be anxious. If you haven’t earned the right to call yourself an engineer, don’t worry, I believe you can do it. I think the most important thing about being a software engineer is that they (really competent software engineers) are extremely principled and have a true belief that they can always make progress. Through self-discipline, you understand where you stand and why. Perhaps even more important is your ability to share it with others. When you firmly believe that you can continue to make progress, you will continue to listen to others, learn from others, and motivate yourself to become better. To that end, this will be one of a series of posts sharing my principles and what I’ve learned over the years.
Enjoy reading! Constantly examine every day you spend through a “value optimization” perspective. Programmers waste a surprising amount of time every day on meaningless things and, frankly, wasted effort. If something doesn’t add any value to you or your company, why spend time on it? Usually this is a meeting, a party, or a "process."
Recently, a friend of mine complained to me that since he was promoted to "team leader", he has barely accomplished anything. So he decided to look back and check himself out. He found that after a week, he only spent a total of 20 minutes on "engineering". Now, it would be fine if the rest of his time was spent coaching or leading a team, but unfortunately most of that time is spent "on" other people, other teams, other departments, etc.
Please do not misunderstand my point of view as cooperation and communication are completely unnecessary. I mean as engineers our focus is to find the best solution. This is what engineers do.
For example: If the meeting is about "synchronization" (synchronizing progress between team members), be positive about it. Post your progress status to a wiki, internal blog, or mailing list. Let other members know your progress in time and adapt to everyone's rhythm. If you are a team or department leader and you feel like you are spending too much time in meetings solving small problems, then delegate authority to your subordinates. This not only frees up a lot of your time, but also allows team members to accumulate more experience and grow faster. Be sure to empower your subordinates to make some or all of the decisions, otherwise the problem solver will ask you to constantly be involved. Also be sure to support your subordinates in their decisions; they need confidence to make decisions and not be so skeptical when expressing your opinions.
If your boss wants to guide "what is being done" or "what has been completed", it is best to find a tool to report these things. Create a task list that is updated at any time. This is a small task that team members can do with a little effort.
If the "process" requires you to complete the task in 5 steps, but most of it is numb and mechanical work. (such as generating a change log or sending an email reminder), then you can use your strengths as a "code farmer" and try to complete it automatically. Think about it, if there is a simple task that requires you to spend 10 minutes every day to complete it. Then you spend 2 hours writing a script to simplify this task to 2 minutes, and you will make back the "wasted" time in only 15 days! ! ! Find yourself constantly distracted by email or instant messaging messages? Then close these apps! As programmers our work requires concentration, and any small interruption can disrupt our flow and disrupt our rhythm. One of the biggest advantages of this method of communicating via text on a computer is that it is "asynchronous"; this means that you can communicate at any time. Living in a fast-paced environment, it is easy for us to get excited about things that are right in front of us and to rush from one task to another without thinking about why this is the case. I strongly suggest that you look back from time to time and ask:
How did my days pass?
Am I working on the most important or valuable thing today?
Is there something else I should be doing more efficiently?
Finally, (I would say) cherish your time, you can "develop" better solutions: use your skills to make life better!
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The above has introduced you as a software engineer, including aspects of content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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