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PHP operation MongoDB study notes

2016-07-29 09:01:27787browse

* PHP operation MongoDB study notes
//** Connect to MongoDB database **//
//Format =>("mongodb://username:password @address:port/default specified database", parameters)
$conn = new Mongo();
//can be abbreviated as
//$c Mongo(); #Connect to local host, default port.
//$c Mongo(“″); #Connect to remote host
//$c Mongo(“xiaocai.loc:10086″); #Connect to the remote host on the specified port
//$c Mongo("xiaocai.loc",array("replicaSet"=>true)); #Load balancing
//$c Mongo("xiaocai.loc",array("persist"=>"t")); #Persistent connection
//$c Mongo(“mongodb://sa:123@localhost”); #With username and password
//$c Mongo(“mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018″); #Connect multiple servers
//$c Mongo("mongodb:///tmp/mongo-27017.sock"); #Domain socket
//$c Mongo("mongodb://admin_miss:miss@localhost:27017/test",array('persist'=>'p',"replicaSet"=>true)); #Complete
//Details: http://www.php.net/manual/en/mongo.connecting.php
//** Select database and table **//
$db=$conn->mydb; #Select mydb database
//$db=$conn->selectDB("mydb"); #Second way of writing
$collection=$db->column; #Select collection (select 'table')
//$collection=$db->selectCollection(‘column’); #Second way of writing
//$collection=$conn->mydb->column; #More concise writing
//Note: 1. Databases and collections do not need to be created in advance. If they do not exist, they will be created automatically.
// 2. Pay attention to typos, you may accidentally create a new database (confused with the original database).
//** Insert document **//
//**Insert data into the collection and return bool to determine whether the insertion is successful. **/
$result=$collection->insert($array); #Simple insertion
echo "New record ID:".$array['_id']; #MongoDB will return a record ID
var_dump($result); #Return: bool(true)
//**Safely insert data into the collection and return the insertion status (array). **/
$result=$collection->insert($array,true); #Used to wait for MongoDB to complete the operation to determine whether it was successful. (This parameter is more useful when a large number of records are inserted)
echo "New record ID:".$array['_id']; #MongoDB will return a record ID
var_dump($result); #Return: array(3) { ["err"]=> NULL ["n"]=> int(0) ["ok"]=> float(1) }
Complete writing method
* *
* Full format: insert ( array $a [, array $options = array() ] )
* insert(array(),array('safe'=>false,'fsync'=>false,'timeout'=>10000))
* Parameter: safe: default false, whether it is safe to write
* fsync: Default is false, whether to force the insertion to be synchronized to the disk
* timeout: timeout time (milliseconds)
* Insert result: { “_id” : ObjectId(“4d63552ad549a02c01000009″), “column_name” : “col770″, “column_exp” : “xiaocai” }
* '_id' is the primary key field, which is automatically added by MongoDB during insertion.
* Note: 1. The following two insertions are the same record (same _id) because their values ​​are the same.
* $collection->insert(array(‘column_name’=>’xiaocai’));
* $collection->insert(array(‘column_name’=>’xiaocai’));
* $collection->insert(array(‘column_name’=>’xiaocai’),true);
* try {
* $collection->insert(array(‘column_name’=>’xiaocai’),true);
* }catch(MongoCursorException $e){
* echo “Can’t save the same person twice!n”;
* }
* Detailed information: http://www.php.net/manual/zh/mongocollection.insert.php
* *
//** Update document **//
//** Modify and update **/
$result=$collection->update($where,array('$set'=>$newdata)); #$set: Make a node equal to a given value, similar to $pull $pullAll $pop $ inc, I’ll explain how to use it later
* Result:
* Original data
* {“_id”:ObjectId(“4d635ba2d549a02801000003″),”column_name”:”col123″,”column_exp”:”xiaocai”}
* was replaced with
* {“_id”:ObjectId(“4d635ba2d549a02801000003″),”column_name”:”col123″,”column_exp”:”GGGGGGG”,”column_fid”:444}
//**Replacement update **/
* Result:
* Original data
* {“_id”:ObjectId(“4d635ba2d549a02801000003″),”column_name”:”col709″,”column_exp”:”xiaocai”}
* was replaced with
* {"_id":ObjectId("4d635ba2d549a02801000003″),"column_exp":"HHHHHHHHH","column_fid":123}
//**Batch update **/
* All 'column_name'='col' are modified
//**Automatic accumulation**/
* Update the data of 91u=684435, and 91u decreases by 5
/**Delete node **/
* Delete node column_exp
* *
* Full format: update(array $criteria, array $newobj [, array $options = array() ] )
* Note: 1. Pay attention to distinguish between replacement update and modification update
* 2. Pay attention to distinguishing data types such as array(’91u’=>’684435′) and array(’91u’=>684435)
* Detailed information: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Updating#Updating-%24bit
* *
//** Delete document **//
/** Clear database **/
//$collection->remove(); #Clear the collection
/**Delete the specified MongoId **/
$id = new MongoId(“4d638ea1d549a02801000011″);
* *
* Use the following method to match {“_id”:ObjectId(“4d638ea1d549a02801000011″)}, the same for query and update
* $id = new MongoId(“4d638ea1d549a02801000011″);
* array(‘_id’=>(object)$id)
* *
//** Query documents **//
/** Query the number of records in the document **/
echo ‘count:’.$collection->count().”
”; #All
echo ‘count:’.$collection->count(array(‘type’=>’user’)).”
”; #You can add conditions
echo 'count:'.$collection->count(array('age'=>array('$gt'=>50,'$lte'=>74)))."
" ; # Greater than 50 and less than or equal to 74
echo 'count:'.$collection->find()->limit(5)->skip(0)->count(true).”
”; #Get the actual number of results returned
* Note: $gt means greater than, $gte means greater than or equal to, $lt means less than, $lte means less than or equal to, $ne means not equal to, $exists does not exist
/**All documents in the collection **/
$cursor = $collection->find()->snapshot();
foreach ($cursor as $id => $value) {
echo “$id: “; var_dump($value); echo “
* Note:
* After we perform the find() operation and obtain the $cursor cursor, the cursor is still dynamic.
* In other words, after I find(), until my cursor loop completes, if any more records that meet the conditions are inserted into the collection, then these records will also be obtained by $cursor.
* If you want the result set to remain unchanged after obtaining $cursor, you need to do this:
* $cursor = $collection->find();
* $cursor->snapshot();
* For details, see http://www.bumao.com/index.php/2010/08/mongo_php_cursor.html
/**Query a piece of data **/
$cursor = $collection->findOne();
* Note: snapshot(), fields() and other functions cannot be used after findOne() obtains the result set;
/**age,type columns are not displayed **/
$cursor = $collection->find()->fields(array("age"=>false,"type"=>false));
/**Show only user column **/
$cursor = $collection->find()->fields(array(“user”=>true));
* I will make an error when I write like this: $cursor->fields(array(“age”=>true,”type”=>false));
/**(type,age nodes exist) and age!=0 and age<50 **/
$where=array('type'=>array('$exists'=>true),'age'=>array('$ne'=>0,'$lt'=>50,' $exists'=>true));
$cursor = $collection->find($where);
/**Get the result set by pagination **/
$cursor = $collection->find()->limit(5)->skip(0);
/**Sort **/
$cursor = $collection->find()->sort(array('age'=>-1,'type'=>1)); ##1 means descending order -1 means ascending order, the order of parameters Affects sort order
/**Index **/
$collection->ensureIndex(array(‘age’ => 1,’type’=>-1)); #1 means descending order -1 means ascending order
$collection->ensureIndex(array('age' => 1,'type'=>-1),array('background'=>true)); #Index creation is run in the background (default is (synchronous operation)
$collection->ensureIndex(array(‘age’ => 1,’type’=>-1),array(‘unique’=>true)); #This index is unique
* ensureIndex (array(),array('name'=>'index name','background'=true,'unique'=true))
* For details, see: http://www.php.net/manual/en/mongocollection.ensureindex.php
/**Get query results **/
$cursor = $collection->find();
foreach ($cursor as $id => $value) {
//** Document clustering **//
//I don’t understand this thing...
$conn->close(); #Close the connection
The difference between relational database and MongoDB data storage
MySql data structure:
column_idint(16) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT ‘primary key’,
column_namevarchar(32) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘column name’,
article_idint(16) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT ‘primary key’,
article_captionvarchar(15) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘title’,
article_idint(16) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘article.article_id’,
bodytext COMMENT ‘text’
MongoDB data structure:
‘column_name’ =>’default’,
‘article’ =>array(
‘article_caption’ => ‘xiaocai’,
‘body’ => ‘xxxxxxxxxx…’
If the recorded node exists, add N to the node value; if the node does not exist, let the node value equal N
Suppose the structure record structure is array(’a’=>1,’b’=>’t’), and you want to add 5 to a, then:
Let a node equal the given value
Suppose the structure record structure is array(’a’=>1,’b’=>’t’), b is plus f, then:
Delete a node
Assume the record structure is array(’a’=>1,’b’=>’t’), and you want to delete the b node, then:
If the corresponding node is an array, append a new value to it; if it does not exist, create the array and append a value to the array; if the node is not an array, return an error.
Suppose the record structure is array('a'=>array(0=>'haha'),'b'=>1), and you want to append new data to node a, then:
In this way, the record will become: array('a'=>array(0=>'haha',1=>'wow'),'b'=>1)
Similar to $push, except that multiple values ​​will be appended to a node at one time
If a value is not in the array at this stage, add it
Suppose the record structure is array('a'=>array(0=>'haha'),'b'=>1). If you want to append new data to the node a, then:
If there is already wow in node a, then no new one will be added. If not, a new item - wow will be added to the node.
Let the record be array('a'=>array(0=>'haha',1=>'wow'),'b'=>1)
Delete the last element of an array node:
Delete the first element of an array stage
If the node is an array, delete the child whose value is value. If it is not an array, an error will be returned.
Suppose the record is array('a'=>array(0=>'haha',1=>'wow'),'b'=>1), and you want to delete the child with value haha ​​in a Item:
The result is: array('a'=>array(0=>'wow'),'b'=>1)
Similar to $pull, except that it can delete a group of records that meet the conditions.

').addClass('pre-numbering').hide(); $(this).addClass('has-numbering').parent().append($numbering); for (i = 1; i ').text(i)); }; $numbering.fadeIn(1700); }); });

The above introduces the PHP operation MongoDB study notes, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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