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nginx ignores faviconico logs favicon.ico 404 online favicon favicon 1 htm disease

2016-07-29 08:54:151621browse

favicon.ico takes up a lot of information in the nginx error_log log, covering the logs we really need to view. So here, we turn it off via log_not_found off.
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//Put the following configuration into the server {} block, and turn off logging when favicon.ico does not exist

location =/favicon.ico {
log_not_found off;
access_log off;
//log_not_found on|off,默认为on:启用或禁用404错误日志,这个指令可以用来禁止nginx记录找不到rebots.txtfavicon.ico这类文件的错误信息。

1. I saw a sentence on the Internet saying: Note that error_log off does not close the log Logging function, it writes the log file to a file named off. If you want to turn off the error logging function, you should use the following configuration: error_log /dev/null crit;
off location is /usr/local/nginx/ off, that is, in the installation directory of nginx

2. Changing log_not_found off to error_log off has the same effect. The difference is that writing error_log off outputs the error log to the off file, while log_not_found closes the log.

Reprinted from: http://coolnull.com/1516.html

The above introduces nginx to ignore the faviconico log, including favicon and iconic content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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