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Typecho blog publishes articles to synchronize Sina Weibo plug-in typecho editor typecho cache typecho background 404

2016-07-29 08:52:281367browse

This article introduces to programmers the Typecho blog post synchronization Sina Weibo plug-in. This can increase the social traffic of your blog and increase user stickiness. Interested programmers can refer to it.

Typecho blog publishes articles to synchronize Sina Weibo plug-in, which can increase the social traffic of your blog and increase user stickiness. Click to download:


The installation tutorial is as follows:

As shown below after activation:

typecho nginx,typecho theme,typecho 模板,typecho 编辑器,typecho 缓存,typecho 后台404

Click on the Sina logo in the upper left corner, log in to Sina Weibo, and enter the following page:

typecho nginx,typecho theme,typecho 模板,typecho 编辑器,typecho 缓存,typecho 后台404

After obtaining the TOKEN and UID, fill it in the plug-in settings, and open the plug-in: typecho_Sina_Profile.php file:


This is it , the installation is complete!

Original address: http://www.manongjc.com/article/750.html

Related reading:

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The above introduces the Typecho blog post synchronization Sina Weibo plug-in, including the content of typecho. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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