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memcache implementation code to obtain memcache values ​​in batches and return them in key order

2016-07-29 08:45:37995browse

Use the getMulti function of memcached to obtain the values ​​of the following 15 IDs in batches.
Return The order:
line_31639, line_33878,line_177410,line_9735,line_589,line_12076,line_25953,line_22447,line_15368,line_15358,line_33853,line_26658,line_26659,line_12477,line_15366,
When a memcache is used, the return value is Correct, when there are multiple memcaches, they cannot correspond one to one. Return in order.
You need to use Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER to return data in order:
$arrs = $mem->getMulti($arr_id, $cas, Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER);
Return order:
line_31639, line_33878, line_9735, line_589,line_22447,line_15358,line_33853,line_26658,line_177410,line_12076,line_25953,line_15368,line_26659,line_12477,line_15366,
Among them, if there are variables that are not hit, then $cas will play a role. $cas returns the hit variable, traverses $cas to retrieve the hit variable composition data, and then uses the array_diff function to compare it with $arr_id to get the difference, and then set it one by one.

The above introduces the implementation code for memcache to obtain memcache values ​​in batches and return them in key order, including memcache content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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