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php递归示例 php递归函数代码

2016-07-25 08:54:34949browse
  1. //递归获得角色ID字符串
  2. function explodeRole($roleObj, &$resultStr){
  3. if(0 childRoleObjArr)){
  4. foreach($roleObj->childRoleObjArr as $childRoleObj){
  5. if('' == $resultStr){
  6. $resultStr .= "{$childRoleObj->id}";
  7. }else{
  8. $resultStr .= ", {$childRoleObj->id}";
  9. }
  10. explodeRole($childRoleObj, $resultStr);
  11. }
  12. }
  13. }
  14. //递归获取级联角色信息数组
  15. function makeRoleRelation(&$roleObjArr){
  16. foreach($roleObjArr as $item){
  17. $item->childRoleObjArr = getRoleObjArrByParentId($item->id);
  18. if(0 childRoleObjArr)){
  19. makeRoleRelation($item->childRoleObjArr);
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }
  23. //通过父角色的id获取子角色信息
  24. function getRoleObjArrByParentId($parentid){
  25. $operCOGPSTRTSysRole = new COGPSTRTSysRole();
  26. $operCOGPSTRTSysRole->setColumn($operCOGPSTRTSysRole->getAllColumn());
  27. $operCOGPSTRTSysRole->setWhere("parentroleid={$parentid}");
  28. $roleObjArr = $operCOGPSTRTSysRole->convResult2ObjArr($operCOGPSTRTSysRole->selectTable());
  29. return isset($roleObjArr)?$roleObjArr:array();
  30. }

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