Home>Article>Backend Development> Some commonly used php functions_PHP tutorial
1. Generate random string function
function random($length) {
$hash = '';
$chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$ max = strlen($chars) - 1;
mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000);
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$ hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)];
return $hash;
2. Intercept a string of a certain length
Note: This function is valid for GB2312
function wordscut($string, $length,$sss=0) {
if(strlen($string) > $length) {
$length=$length - 3;
$addstr= '...';
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
if(ord($string[$i]) > 127) {
$wordscut .= $string[ $i].$string[$i + 1];
} else {
$wordscut .= $string[$i];
return $wordscut.$addstr;
return $string;
3. Get the client IP address
function GetIP(){
if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"), "unknown"))
$ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
else if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"), "unknown"))
$ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
else if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") && strcasecmp(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "unknown"))
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); _SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR ']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "unknown"))
$ip = "unknown";
4. Create the corresponding folder
function createdir($dir='')
if (!is_dir($dir))
$temp = explode('/',$dir);
$cur_dir = '';
for($i= 0;$i
5. Determine the email address
function checkEmail($inAddress)
return (ereg("^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]) +@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+",$inAddress));
6. Jump
function gotourl($message='',$url='',$title='')
$html ="";
$html .="
$html .="
$html .="
"; $html .="