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2016-06-23 13:27:31968browse

分片是在大型网站数据库设计中经常会用到的解决方法,本文尝试给出一种用PHP实现的设计方案,shard_id的结构是64bit,10bit sharid系统+10bit为类型id+10子类型id+34bit自增id。关于分片设计的更多知识请参考我的其它文章。

database = load( 'database' );        }        function get_shard_id( $table_name, $cate_id, $subcate_id )        {            return $this->gen_shard_id( $this->get_next_id( $table_name ), $cate_id, $subcate_id );        }        /**         * 生成shared id         *         * ID的结构:         * 一共64位,10位shard_id,10位类型id,10位子类型id,34位自增id         * 10 bits shard_id,10 bits cate_id,10 bits subcate_id,34 auto increment id         * 10+10+10+34         *         * @param $next_auto_increment_id required 自增id         * @param $cate_id                required 类型id         * @param $subcate_id             optional 子类型id         *         * @return bigint         */        function gen_shard_id( $next_auto_increment_id, $cate_id, $subcate_id )        {            if( empty( $next_auto_increment_id ) )            {                return 0;            }            $shard_id = $this->get_shard_num( $next_auto_increment_id, TOTAL_SHARD_NUM );            $shard_id = $shard_id << ( 64 - 10 );            //shard id            $shard_id |= $cate_id << ( 64 - 10 - 10 );            //大类型            $shard_id |= $subcate_id << ( 64 - 10 - 10 - 10 );         //子类型            $shard_id |= $next_auto_increment_id;   //自增id            return $shard_id;        }        /**         * 解析 shard id 结构         *         * ID的结构:         * 一共64位,10位shard_id,10位类型id,10位子类型id,34位自增id         * 10 bits shard_id,10 bits cate_id,10 bits subcate_id,34 auto increment id         * 10+10+10+34         *         * @param $shard_id         *         * @return array('shard_num'=>0,'cate_id'=>0,'subcate_id'=>'','id'=>0)         */        function parse_shard_id( $shard_id )        {            $ret = array( 'shard_num'  => 0,                          'cate_id'    => 0,                          'subcate_id' => 0,                          'id'         => 0 );            if( empty( $shard_id ) )            {                return $ret;            }            $ret[ 'shard_num' ] = $shard_id >> ( 64 - 10 );            $ret[ 'cate_id' ] = ( $shard_id >> ( 64 - 10 - 10 ) ) & 1023;            $ret[ 'subcate_id' ] = ( $shard_id >> ( 64 - 10 - 10 - 10 ) ) & 1023;            $ret[ 'id' ] = $shard_id & 17179869183;            return $ret;        }        /**         * get shard location         *         * @param $next_auto_increment_id         * @param $total_shard_num         *         * @return int         */        function get_shard_num( $next_auto_increment_id, $total_shard_num )        {            return $next_auto_increment_id % $total_shard_num;        }        /**         * 查询表的下一个自增id         *         * @param $table_name         *         * @return int         */        function get_next_id( $table_name )        {            if( empty( $table_name ) )            {                return 0;            }            //            //  need grant access information_schema privilege            //            $sql = "SELECT auto_increment FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = '$table_name' AND table_schema = DATABASE()";            /** @var CI_DB_Result $query */            $data = $this->database->unique( $sql );            if( !empty( $data ) )            {                return isset( $data[ 'auto_increment' ] ) ? $data[ 'auto_increment' ] : 0;            }            else            {                return 0;            }        }    }

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