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2016-06-13 12:30:02748browse



total = $_total ? $_total : 1;
???		$this->pagesize = $_pagesize;
??		$this->pagenum = ceil($this->total / $this->pagesize);
???		$this->page = $this->setPage();
???		$this->limit = "LIMIT ".($this->page-1)*$this->pagesize.",$this->pagesize";
???		$this->url = $this->setUrl();
???		$this->bothnum = 2;
??	}
??	//拦截器
??	private function __get($_key) {
???		return $this->$_key;
??	}
??	//获取当前页码
??	private function setPage() {
???		if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
????			if ($_GET['page'] > 0) {
?????				if ($_GET['page'] > $this->pagenum) {
??????					return $this->pagenum;
?????				} else {
??????					return $_GET['page'];
?????				}
????			} else {
?????				return 1;
????			}
???		} else {
????			return 1;
???		}
??	}?
??	//获取地址
??	private function setUrl() {
???		$_url = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
???		$_par = parse_url($_url);
???		if (isset($_par['query'])) {
????			parse_str($_par['query'],$_query);
????			unset($_query['page']);
????			$_url = $_par['path'].'?'.http_build_query($_query);
???		}
???		return $_url;
??	}??	//数字目录
??	private function pageList() {
???		for ($i=$this->bothnum;$i>=1;$i--) {
????		$_page = $this->page-$i;
????		if ($_page < 1) continue;
????			$_pagelist .= ' '.$_page.' ';
???		}
???		$_pagelist .= ' '.$this->page.' ';
???		for ($i=1;$i<=$this->bothnum;$i++) {
???	?		$_page = $this->page+$i;
????			if ($_page > $this->pagenum) break;
????			$_pagelist .= ' '.$_page.' ';
???		}
???		return $_pagelist;
??	}
??	//首页  http://ini.iteye.com/
??	private function first() {
???		if ($this->page > $this->bothnum+1) {
????			return ' 1 ...';
???		}
??	}
??	//上一页
??	private function prev() {
???		if ($this->page == 1) {
????			return '上一页';
???		}
???		return ' 上一页 ';
??	}
??	//下一页
??	private function next() {
???		if ($this->page == $this->pagenum) {
????			return '下一页';
???		}
???		return ' 下一页 ';
??	}
??	//尾页
??	private function last() {
???		if ($this->pagenum - $this->page > $this->bothnum) {
????			return ' ...'.$this->pagenum.' ';
???		}
??	}
??	//分页信息
??	public function showpage() {
???		$_page .= $this->first();
???		$_page .= $this->pageList();
???		$_page .= $this->last();
???		$_page .= $this->prev();
???		$_page .= $this->next();
???		return $_page;
??	}




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