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2016-06-13 11:45:11784browse



alert('$_info');location.href='$_url';";		exit();	}		/**	 * js 弹窗返回	 * @param string $_info	 * @return js	 */	static public function alertBack($_info) {		echo "";		exit();	}		/**	 * 页面跳转	 * @param string $url	 * @return js	 */	static public function headerUrl($url) {		echo "";		exit();	}		/**	 * 弹窗关闭	 * @param string $_info	 * @return js	 */	static public function alertClose($_info) {		echo "";		exit();	}		/**	 * 弹窗	 * @param string $_info	 * @return js	 */	static public function alert($_info) {		echo "";		exit();	}		/**	 * 系统基本参数上传图片专用	 * @param string $_path	 * @return null	 */	static public function sysUploadImg($_path) {		echo '';		echo '';		echo '';		echo '';	}		/**	 * html过滤	 * @param array|object $_date	 * @return string	 */	static public function htmlString($_date) {		if (is_array($_date)) {			foreach ($_date as $_key=>$_value) {				$_string[$_key] = Tool::htmlString($_value);  //递归			}		} elseif (is_object($_date)) {			foreach ($_date as $_key=>$_value) {				$_string->$_key = Tool::htmlString($_value);  //递归			}		} else {			$_string = htmlspecialchars($_date);		}		return $_string;	}		/**	 * 数据库输入过滤	 * @param string $_data	 * @return string	 */	static public function mysqlString($_data) {		$_data = trim($_data);		return !GPC ? addcslashes($_data) : $_data;	}		/**	 * 清理session	 */	static public function unSession() {		if (session_start()) {			session_destroy();		}	}		/**	 * 验证是否为空	 * @param string $str	 * @param string $name	 * @return bool (true or false)	 */	static function validateEmpty($str, $name) {		if (empty($str)) {			self::alertBack('警告:' .$name . '不能为空!');		}	}		/**	 * 验证是否相同	 * @param string $str1	 * @param string $str2	 * @param string $alert	 * @return JS 	 */	static function validateAll($str1, $str2, $alert) {		if ($str1 != $str2) self::alertBack('警告:' .$alert);	}		/**	 * 验证ID	 * @param Number $id	 * @return JS	 */	static function validateId($id) {		if (empty($id) || !is_numeric($id)) self::alertBack('警告:参数错误!');	}		/**	 * 格式化字符串	 * @param string $str	 * @return string	 */	static public function formatStr($str) {		$arr = array(' ', '	', '&', '@', '#', '%',  '\'', '"', '\\', '/', '.', ',', '$', '^', '*', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '|', '~', '`', '?', '!', ';', ':', '-', '_', '+', '=');		foreach ($arr as $v) {			$str = str_replace($v, '', $str);		}		return $str;	}		/**	 * 格式化时间	 * @param int $time 时间戳	 * @return string	 */	static public function formatDate($time='default') {		$date = $time == 'default' ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);		return $date;	}		/**  	* 获得真实IP地址  	* @return string  	*/	static public function realIp() {   	    static $realip = NULL;   	    if ($realip !== NULL) return $realip;  	    if (isset($_SERVER)) {  	        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {   	            $arr = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);  	            foreach ($arr AS $ip) {  	                $ip = trim($ip);  	                if ($ip != 'unknown') {   	                    $realip = $ip;   	                    break;   	                }   	            }   	        } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {   	            $realip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];  	        } else {   	            if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {   	                $realip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];   	            } else {   	                $realip = '';   	            }  	        }  	    } else {  	        if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) {  	            $realip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');  	        } elseif (getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) {  	            $realip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');  	        } else {  	            $realip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');  	        }  	    }	    preg_match('/[\d\.]{7,15}/', $realip, $onlineip);  	    $realip = !empty($onlineip[0]) ? $onlineip[0] : '';  	    return $realip;  	}		/**	 * 加载 Smarty 模板	 * @param string $html	 * @return null;	 */	static public function display() {		global $tpl;$html = null;		$htmlArr = explode('/', $_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]);		$html = str_ireplace('.php', '.html', $htmlArr[count($htmlArr)-1]);		$dir = dirname($_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]);		$firstStr = substr($dir, 0, 1);		$endStr = substr($dir, strlen($dir)-1, 1);		if ($firstStr == '/' || $firstStr == '\\') $dir = substr($dir, 1);		if ($endStr != '/' || $endStr != '\\') $dir = $dir . '/';		$tpl->display($dir.$html);	}		/**	 * 创建目录	 * @param string $dir	 */	static public function createDir($dir) {		if (!is_dir($dir)) {			mkdir($dir, 0777);		}	}		/**	 * 创建文件(默认为空)	 * @param unknown_type $filename	 */	static public function createFile($filename) {		if (!is_file($filename)) touch($filename);	}		/**	 * 正确获取变量	 * @param string $param	 * @param string $type	 * @return string	 */	static public function getData($param, $type='post') {		$type = strtolower($type);		if ($type=='post') {			return Tool::mysqlString(trim($_POST[$param]));		} elseif ($type=='get') {			return Tool::mysqlString(trim($_GET[$param]));		}	}		/**	 * 删除文件	 * @param string $filename	 */	static public function delFile($filename) {		if (file_exists($filename)) unlink($filename);	}		/**	 * 删除目录	 * @param string $path	 */	static public function delDir($path) {		if (is_dir($path)) rmdir($path);	}		/**	 * 删除目录及地下的全部文件	 * @param string $dir	 * @return bool	 */	static public function delDirOfAll($dir) {		//先删除目录下的文件:		if (is_dir($dir)) {			$dh=opendir($dir);			while (!!$file=readdir($dh)) {				if($file!="." && $file!="..") {					$fullpath=$dir."/".$file;					if(!is_dir($fullpath)) {						unlink($fullpath);					} else {						self::delDirOfAll($fullpath);					}				}			}			closedir($dh);			//删除当前文件夹:			if(rmdir($dir)) {		    	return true;			} else {				return false;			}		}	}	/**	 * 验证登陆	 */	static public function validateLogin() {		if (empty($_SESSION['admin']['user'])) header('Location:/admin/');	}		/**	 * 给已经存在的图片添加水印	 * @param string $file_path	 * @return bool	 */	static public function addMark($file_path) {		if (file_exists($file_path) && file_exists(MARK)) {			//求出上传图片的名称后缀			$ext_name = strtolower(substr($file_path, strrpos($file_path, '.'), strlen($file_path)));			//$new_name='jzy_' . time() . rand(1000,9999) . $ext_name ;			$store_path = ROOT_PATH . UPDIR;			//求上传图片高宽			$imginfo = getimagesize($file_path);			$width = $imginfo[0];			$height = $imginfo[1];			 //添加图片水印             			switch($ext_name) {				case '.gif':					$dst_im = imagecreatefromgif($file_path);					break;				case '.jpg':					$dst_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_path);					break;				case '.png':					$dst_im = imagecreatefrompng($file_path);					break;			}			$src_im = imagecreatefrompng(MARK);			//求水印图片高宽			$src_imginfo = getimagesize(MARK);			$src_width = $src_imginfo[0];			$src_height = $src_imginfo[1];			//求出水印图片的实际生成位置			$src_x = $width - $src_width - 10;			$src_y = $height - $src_height - 10;			//新建一个真彩色图像			$nimage = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);               			//拷贝上传图片到真彩图像			imagecopy($nimage, $dst_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);          			//按坐标位置拷贝水印图片到真彩图像上			imagecopy($nimage, $src_im, $src_x, $src_y, 0, 0, $src_width, $src_height);			//分情况输出生成后的水印图片			switch($ext_name) {				case '.gif':					imagegif($nimage, $file_path);					break;				case '.jpg':					imagejpeg($nimage, $file_path);					break;				case '.png':					imagepng($nimage, $file_path);					break;     			}			//释放资源 			imagedestroy($dst_im);			imagedestroy($src_im);			unset($imginfo);			unset($src_imginfo);			//移动生成后的图片			@move_uploaded_file($file_path, ROOT_PATH.UPDIR . $file_path);		}	}		/**	*  中文截取2,单字节截取模式	* @access public	* @param string $str  需要截取的字符串	* @param int $slen  截取的长度	* @param int $startdd  开始标记处	* @return string	*/	static public function cn_substr($str, $slen, $startdd=0){		$cfg_soft_lang = PAGECHARSET;		if($cfg_soft_lang=='utf-8') {			return self::cn_substr_utf8($str, $slen, $startdd);		}		$restr = '';		$c = '';		$str_len = strlen($str);		if($str_len < $startdd+1) {			return '';		}		if($str_len < $startdd + $slen || $slen==0) {			$slen = $str_len - $startdd;		}		$enddd = $startdd + $slen - 1;		for($i=0;$i<$str_len;$i++) {			if($startdd==0) {				$restr .= $c;			} elseif($i > $startdd) {				$restr .= $c;			}			if(ord($str[$i])>0x80) {				if($str_len>$i+1) {					$c = $str[$i].$str[$i+1];				}				$i++;			} else {				$c = $str[$i];			}			if($i >= $enddd) {				if(strlen($restr)+strlen($c)>$slen) {					break;				} else {					$restr .= $c;					break;				}			}		}		return $restr;	}	/**	*  utf-8中文截取,单字节截取模式	*	* @access public	* @param string $str 需要截取的字符串	* @param int $slen 截取的长度	* @param int $startdd 开始标记处	* @return string	*/	static public function cn_substr_utf8($str, $length, $start=0) {		if(strlen($str) < $start+1) {			return '';		}		preg_match_all("/./su", $str, $ar);		$str = '';		$tstr = '';		//为了兼容mysql4.1以下版本,与数据库varchar一致,这里使用按字节截取		for($i=0; isset($ar[0][$i]); $i++) {			if(strlen($tstr) < $start) {				$tstr .= $ar[0][$i];			} else {				if(strlen($str) < $length + strlen($ar[0][$i]) ) {					$str .= $ar[0][$i];				} else {					break;				}			}		}		return $str;	}		/**	 * 删除图片,根据图片ID	 * @param int $image_id	 */	static function delPicByImageId($image_id) {		$db_name = PREFIX . 'images i';		$m = new Model();		$data = $m->getOne($db_name, "i.id={$image_id}", "i.path as p, i.big_img as b, i.small_img as s");		foreach ($data as $v) {			@self::delFile(ROOT_PATH . $v['p']);			@self::delFile(ROOT_PATH . $v['b']);			@self::delFile(ROOT_PATH . $v['s']);		}		$m->del(PREFIX . 'images', "id={$image_id}");		unset($m);	}		/**	 * 图片等比例缩放	 * @param resource $im    新建图片资源(imagecreatefromjpeg/imagecreatefrompng/imagecreatefromgif)	 * @param int $maxwidth   生成图像宽	 * @param int $maxheight  生成图像高	 * @param string $name    生成图像名称	 * @param string $filetype文件类型(.jpg/.gif/.png)	 */	static public function resizeImage($im, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $name, $filetype) {		$pic_width = imagesx($im);		$pic_height = imagesy($im);		if(($maxwidth && $pic_width > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $pic_height > $maxheight)) {			if($maxwidth && $pic_width>$maxwidth) {				$widthratio = $maxwidth/$pic_width;				$resizewidth_tag = true;			}			if($maxheight && $pic_height>$maxheight) {				$heightratio = $maxheight/$pic_height;				$resizeheight_tag = true;			}			if($resizewidth_tag && $resizeheight_tag) {				if($widthratio<$heightratio)					$ratio = $widthratio;				else					$ratio = $heightratio;			}			if($resizewidth_tag && !$resizeheight_tag)				$ratio = $widthratio;			if($resizeheight_tag && !$resizewidth_tag)				$ratio = $heightratio;			$newwidth = $pic_width * $ratio;			$newheight = $pic_height * $ratio;			if(function_exists("imagecopyresampled")) {				$newim = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight);				imagecopyresampled($newim,$im,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$pic_width,$pic_height);			} else {				$newim = imagecreate($newwidth,$newheight);				imagecopyresized($newim,$im,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$pic_width,$pic_height);			}			$name = $name.$filetype;			imagejpeg($newim,$name);			imagedestroy($newim);		} else {			$name = $name.$filetype;			imagejpeg($im,$name);		}	}	/**	 * 下载文件	 * @param string $file_path 绝对路径	 */	static public function downFile($file_path) {		//判断文件是否存在		$file_path = iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $file_path); //对可能出现的中文名称进行转码		if (!file_exists($file_path)) {			exit('文件不存在!');		}		$file_name = basename($file_path); //获取文件名称		$file_size = filesize($file_path); //获取文件大小		$fp = fopen($file_path, 'r'); //以只读的方式打开文件		header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");		header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");		header("Accept-Length: {$file_size}");		header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename={$file_name}");		$buffer = 1024;		$file_count = 0;		//判断文件是否结束		while (!feof($fp) && ($file_size-$file_count>0)) {			$file_data = fread($fp, $buffer);			$file_count += $buffer;			echo $file_data;		}		fclose($fp); //关闭文件	}}?>


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